~Chapter 3~

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Mangles POV

I awake on a Saturday morning in my room, normal but remembering, I have to meet foxy! I jump out bed, and put on some long skinny jeans, because why not, and a pink blouse, with a small gray hoodie over it! I went to the kitchen to find T-Chi making waffles, and singing "Do you like waffles? Yea we like waffles! Do you like pancakes? Yea we like pancakes! Do like French toast? Yea we like French toast! Do,do,do,do can't wait to get enough waffles! Do,do,do,do can't wait to get waffles!" And so on. I walk over to T-Chi with a plate and I get some waffles. This was the most beautiful and delicious waffles I've ever tasted! I finish my beautiful waffles and go brush my teeth brush and my hair. I walk out the door, and travel back, down the road, to the park. I kinda didn't know this park so I just went to the pond. A few minutes later I hear foxy run up behind me and he says "boo"! "Really foxy you think you can scare me?" I say "well I try my best"  he responds as he sits down on the bench with me. "When you try your best but you don't succeed🎶" I say in a singingly tone. "Sooooooooooooooooooooo, do you want to go to the store to buy the supplies or...." Foxy questions me."well, I think the store, but I don't really know this city that well...." I say answering his question. We head over to the store, me following foxy of course.

Foxys POV

I haven't been to the store in ages! But some how I found it! I walk into it and all the songs are Hamilton, do when I walk in the song is "that would be enough" so it says "look around look around!" but then a hear a little echo, and how beautiful that echo is, my ears perk up as I hear is close to me then I realized, it was Mangle! I walked towards an section, as mangle follows, and I find cola!!!!! "So which one should we get?" I question. "Uhhhhh....the six pack!" As I grab the six pack she runs to the next section, to find a bunch of Mentos everywhere. "I think I found  he Mentos!" She chirped in glee. "You get some Mentos and I'll quickly get the funnel" I say heading towards the funnel section. "Ok!" Mangle responds picking out the Mentos. Soon after we got all the stuff we walk out the door, she looks at me in glee and we cross the street, when half way a crazy driver was headed towards mangle! "MANGLE" I call out pushing her forwards and getting hit by the impact of the car. "Foxy!" I hear her called out as she rushes to my side, then I black out....

- sorry for short chapter, Uhhhh...I don't really know what to say but, thank you so much for reading this! By peeps. ^^

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