~Chapter 9~

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Foxys POV

I woke up in a jolt, letting my eyes adjust slowly to the new lighting the royal purple room, decorated with bright sunshine yellow stars. I looked to my side at the clock, still my dark green eyes adjusting, the numbers were blurry but I could make out 1...'0...7...1:07 AM. That voice, it sounded familiar like I knew her, a lost friend or sibling from back in my youth. That last sentence, those last words that escaped her lips "How could I end up with a brother like you!" That sentence echoed in my mind, other words lost in the back of my brain. I don't have many found memories of my childhood but that, that short story she told, it was like a fairytale that was almost dead but was now remembered from the depths of books, and the voice matching someone I knew, someone I loved, not in a romance way, but a sibling way, someone I trusted, someone I never saw agian... I never heard this before, not ever in my fondest of memories have I triggered this heartbreak echoing in rejoice of filling me with guilt. Then I felt like something snapped in the back of my head, it dying to be remembered, that one last wire connecting to the positive side the battery to make the lightbulb flicker to life. "Funtime foxy" that name escapes the darkness and finds it way to be remembered. (A/N OK I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE SCREAMING FUNTIME FOXY AND MANGLE ARE THE SAME ANIMATRONIC, BUT IN THIS BOOK THERE NOT ! Thx for understanding) this memory, she looks like mangle, maybe that's why I remembered her. She looks like mangle except for the fact that she's way more girly, she has a fluffier tail, short hair, and absolutely doesn't like weapons or most pirate things. I wonder how she could put up with me. I smile slightly and chuckle, but then I soon lost her, and my family, I was taken away from them and sent to boarding school in hope I would stop being like a pirate. One my last week I was almost convinced but then I got a note, a letter from Fluffy. (that's Funtime Foxys name now :3) She sent me a recording. That night I watched it, it was a recording of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. On that last day of horror, we were all on the boat, traveling back to where we came from. I pretended to be a captain of great ship, searching for gold and treasures of mysterious islands. Then a giant bolt of lighting struck the boat, the ship mostly burned just I swam to shore alone, I was the only survivor. Fluffy believed I abandoned them from the letter I found in a bottle washed up on shore...

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