~Chapter 10~

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Foxys POV

Dear My Brother Foxy,
Why would you abandon us? We love you and you go away and leave us. You've broken our bond, our trust, you've broken me. Still you have no guilt, no heart to write. Who are you now? Do you even know yourself? By this time your probably an adult, or dead and your lost corpse at sea. I still love you but, I'm hurt, I want to live without you but if I go to far out at sea, the tide brings me back to you. If you find this, I wish you find in your heart to at least write back, and if you decide not to I wish you a good life, and you create a good family. But if you find your heart I know you have but have chosen to ignore, and you wish to find me, I'll be at the place where you'll remember the most.
Your loving sister,
This letter made me question my existence, why did this have to happen to me? I never understood that last part until today "the field" I said without knowing. I stand up and pull out the letter from the small slot where I keep notes. I take a small light and position so it shines on the letter. I read over it, word for word, meaning for meaning, stanza by stanza, wondering how could I have missed the clue, that one clue that I have missed. Small tear drops land on the dirty brown paper. "Your broken, I will put you back together, I will find you, and I will fix our bond..." My eyes have now adjusted to the lighting, and I look over to the Bluetooth clock shining a bright magenta color. It reads 2:45 AM how long have I been thinking to myself? A long time if it's already almost 3:00! "She's not there anymore" I hear a soft female voice echo through the royal purple room. I see a shadow moving through the room swiftly and quietly. "She's in trouble, she gone" the voice grows louder, though it sounds familiar from my days in distress. Not my grieving childhood but the hospital, I only saw her once. "Who are you?" I say a bit louder than I wanted. The figure of bitter darkness comes closer showing a dress like figure around the torso area, long black hair from the dark area flowing down the the waist area. I hear a small tear drop sound plop on the ground. "Your our only hope, you know her better than anyone else..." She opens her eyes, there soft but it's all an ebony color, and a pearly white pupil in the center. "Puppet? Is that you? Why are you here? How do you know ab-" she cut he off with a soft shh then she went on to explain "Yes it is me, not everyone on that ship died Foxy, I was there, I saw you, and I went and followed you to survive. I want to thank you, with out you I'd be dead. I saw Fluffy in the field and then something terrible happened. She gave up and left, she was convinced that you would never come, she's somewhere else" Then she steps into the light and I see something off, on her left side of her dress, a small dark red liquid dripping down.
"a-are y-y-you b-bleeding?!?"
"It's n-nothing..."
"Yes it is! Your bleeding for Pete sake!"
"Fine and what if I am?"
"You need help!"
"I guess so, so what to do now?"
"Wait here."
I grab my flashlight and open my starry door. Then I make my way down the hall, swiftly and quietly, open the oak cabinet, and got a box of bandages, ointment, alcohol to help the wound, and cotton swabs. I dash back to my bedroom and help heal the wound, but by the time I got there there was nothing, just a blood stained dressed. "Told ya it was nothin" she said with a genuine smirk on her face.
"Wha?!? How?!? Whe-"
"I'm magical"
"I will never understand girls"
"Because you'll never get one"
"Why you gotta be so rude"
"Don't ya know its 3:30"
"Yup, I should be heading home."
"Thank you for the info on my sister, I miss her really badly"
"Heres a clue to find her, she told me to tell you if I saw you"
"I'm tired of waiting, it's almost to late, to go out and clean up your dirty slate. If you care to find me, look to where it started, I'll be waiting, if you don't get the clue think, here's a hint, a ship. Now I should head home, bye Foxy!"
And just in a blink she was gone, disappeared in a instance. A ship, a ship, a ship. WHAT SHIP?!?! Like a relationship or a pirate ship, I don't get it! Where it started, where did it start?

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