Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Judging by the glorious look on Kate's face, you concluded that maybe something hadn't gone wrong at all. Something may have gone right? She pushed the laptop forward and everyone stared as you and Justin peered into the screen. The web page opened up onto YouTube video. You didn't recognise the video, but then realised that it had only been uploaded half an hour ago. It had gained three hundred and one views already, though the dislike bar appeared to be much higher. Five hundred and fifty six dislikes overshadowed the lousy eighty eight likes. Wow, this person must be very unpopular. You suddenly wondered if Justin had uploaded a new video, as you waited impatiently for it to buffer, the blackness of the video giving nothing away. Moments later, you got the biggest shock ever. You gasped and Kate chortled.

You: Is that Kayley?

You whispered. Kate chuckled again.

Kate: I thought you'd like it.

Kayley was sat in a large pink room, fairy lights dangling from the ceiling and a door-sized mirror hung behind her. Looking inside the mirror, you could see she was seated at a pink desk covered with fluffy material. She was facing her bright pink laptop. You glanced back to her face. She was crying. Her face was blotchy with mascara running down her cheeks. After taking in everything, you focused on her words.

Kayley: I wanted to make this video to a-apologize for my childish b-behaviour.

She chocked through her sobs.

Kayley: And as much as I hate to say this, I think you're the c-cutest couple. I can see that you're both really happy and I've tried my hardest to ruin that for you. The reason for my selfish behaviour is because I envy you. I envy you because you are beautiful, inside and out, and I would give anything to have him look at me, the way he looks at you. I hated what you had, so much that I sold stories to reporters, made up silly rumours and hurt many people doing so.

She sighed into the camera, wiping her nose in the process.

Kayley: It makes me hate myself even more, to think of what I have done to you. I never meant for any of this to go this far. I would have apologized in person, but I didn't think you'd want to see me again. That’s why I'm packing to go home, right now and I'm going to make sure I stay our of both of your way. Jay, you are humble and down to earth, I really wish the haters could see you from my point of view. To the pair of you... I’m so so sorry.

Her voice cracked on her last word, as she burst into some more sobs and the video turned black.

You: Wow.

You breathed, shocked by her remorse. Why did you suddenly feel so bad for her? You deserved this apology!

Kate: What do you think?

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ... (for Justin Bieber Fans Mainly)Where stories live. Discover now