Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

You: Erm... sorry, but how do you know who i am?

Girl2: Theres a picture on the internet of you next to Justin at the game today!

*Those paparazzi's* It comes flooding back.

You: Ohh right ok.... yeh i'll sign for you.

You give them your autograph, just randomly making up a signature, also making a mental note to practise it for furture preferances. Then as the girls walk away you turn to Kate.

You: Wow that was weird.

Kate: Weird, but totally cool! Come on then lets go.

You: Ohh.. Justin said he wanted to meet me after the concert. I'm just waiting for a text.

Kate: Ohh Yeh? ... Alright, well i'll call a cab. It'll take like half an hour to get here anyway.

She gives you a very obvious smile and starts walking away with her two friends

You: Ok, ill meet you outside.

Kate: Alright.

She shouts over her shoulder, while discussing the concert. You sit back in your seat and wait. It was really empty now. Its funny how, you dont actually realise how many seats there are when its packed. 15 minutes had gone. *Wonder if hes forgot? Hes proberly busy, tryna get away* another 5 minutes and nothing.

BUZZ BUZZ BU- you answer straight away.


Kate: Are you done yet? The cabs almost here, were on the street  where mum dropped us off.

You feel your heart drop slightly, obviously, you were expecting Justin on the other end.

You: Right im coming.

You put the phone down, get up, look around, then walk away. As you get outside, you find it was still really busy. Suddenly you notice the reason. Justin's car was leaving the car park and his fans were chasing it.

* I guess he forgot, its cool*. You walk in the opposite direction, and feel your eyes well up, you dont even know why. He hasent even done anything wrong. You find kate standing next to a cab 10 minutes later and quickly wipe your eyes.

You: Im sorry about that, thanks for waiting.

You get in the cab and it pulls off. Kates friends had apparently got another cab home.

Kate: After you went on stage, my mates were unbelieveable. It was cool though, seeing you on stage. Justin's such a flirt! ... So, did you see him anyway?

You give her a wide eyed look, pointing your head towards the driver. She soon catches on and mouths an apology to you. You never liked talking about personal stuff in front of cab drivers.

You: I'll tell you later.

You get home, flop on your bed when Kate walks in.

Kate: By the way, i just noticed, why arent you doing any dancing and that lot anymore?

You: What?

Kate: You know, you always did something after work, dance, singing classes, then some photography?

You: Ohh well, dance is finshed now till i start work again and photography ends tomorrow. Singing classes well the women, has just had a baby, they got a replacement teacher but, shes rubbish, so no one goes. Were waiting till the original one is back.

Kate: Wow, all that at the same time.

You: Yeh i know, weird!

Kate gets out Mean Girls, hops onto your bed and starts watching it.

Your getting pulled on stage, by a boy, a popstar sensation, everyones screaming, he pulls you close and sings to your face, the words were blurry but his smile was wide and clear. The words, come into focus, as you took them in. ' Andd iiiiii, will always love youuu'. Justin pulls you close. You were almost touching noses. Another girls heaves herself onstage then hurls herself at him. A blonde haired girl. She grabs his hand and pulls him away from you, screaming something. You stood rooted to the spot, the crowd was booing. Justin looks back at you and stretches out his hand, trying to grab you. The girl kept pulling him further away. Your eyes stung. You need to tell him. You open your mouth and whispered. He couldn't hear you, he was being pulled further away. You cry aloud his name. You were too late, he had left. He had Gone. You would never see him again. Justin had walked on through the door hand in hand with Kayley.

You sit bolt upright, and glance around, breathing fast.

*Just a dream. Calm down. It was just a dream Tansy*

You take a swift look at your clock, to see it was only 6am. You turn over, intending to get some more sleep, but your brain wouldn't shut down. After 10 minutes, you climb out of bed and check your phone. Nothing. You drop it onto your bed and get changed into some summery clothes, as it was boiling. You tiptoe downstairs, trying not to wake anybody up and grab some breakfast. As your eating your Captain Crunch cereal, you curl up on the sofa, grab the remote and turn on the t.v. 10 of your precious minutes was wasted as nothing interesting, whatsoever, was on. You switch it off groaning. Just as you finished eating your cereal in the silence, apart from a few snores to be heard from above, the letterbox, signalled that post had arrived. You grab the paper and a few letters from the front door, on your way back to the kitchen. You set the paper on the table and you have no idea why, but something was telling you, it would be a good idea to check the news.....Checked the news and there was nothing in there either. However you carry on reading. *Suppose i better check the celeb page, catch up on the latest gossip* The celebrity page, normally just tells you what celebrity's are doing, been doing, going through and who they're dating etc. You scan the page briefly, seeing if theres anyone you know on there. When a picture of Justin Bieber catches your eye. He was sitting eating a bacon cobb at the game yesterday. Then shockingly, you notice yourself sat next to him, laughing. He was looking at you, so the picture only got a snap of the side of his face. You could tell he was smiling though. *That must of been when he was smiling with his mouth full of food! .. oh god, its a good job they never got a picture of that!*. You laugh quietly to yourself and read the text next to the picture ...

 'Justin Bieber, seemed like he was enjoying himself at yesterdays game, Hawks vs Lakers. He was nicely munching on a bacon sandwhich, from Starbucks, laughing to the unknown girl sat next to him. One source tells us that, Justin has just recently met her and they are currently dating. Another source also reveals that, during Justin's concert last night, here in Atlanta, he was pointing to her making heart gestures, throughout one of his songs called 'Favourite Girl'. She was also brought on stage as one of his One Less Lonely Girls aswell. Anyone know who she is? Justin is currently having some time off, but is working on his new upcoming album next week. Whos excited?'

You tut, *There goes the press again, making up aload of rubbish. Although they were right about the concert. I hate it when they say 'a source tells us'. I'd like to know who the 'source' is! and who the hell said were dating? Were friends, nothing more, nothing less*.  You glance back at the paper and think what Justin would say if he saw it.

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ... (for Justin Bieber Fans Mainly)Where stories live. Discover now