Chapter 40

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Purple_girl08 - Thankyou millions for your continuous comments and support! I really do appreciate it =D



Chapter 40

Eventually Justin arrived at his house, after dropping Kate and Chris off at the local shops and then Ryan and Chaz off at Ryan's place.
Justin: We made it.
You: I know. I never thought we were gonna get here.
Justin: Chaz is so...
You: Funny, annoying. Frustrating?
Justin smiled gently as he removed his seatbelt.
Justin: All three.
You: How did his seatbelt manage to get jammed into its socket?
Justin: Its just Chaz. Bad luck always attracts him.
You: Well at least he found his phone in the end.
Justin: Yeh. God knows how it ended up under my seat when he was sat behind you.
Pushing open the passenger door of Justin's Rangerover, you grabbed your bag then stepped out into the cool dusk air.
After locking up the car he stepped towards the front door, unlocking it then lead the way inside.
Justin: I think mums out.
You: Ok.
He closed the door after you were through then advanced to the kitchen.
He gave his hair a quick shake, as it then just flopped perfectly back into place.
Justin: Urgh. I can feel salt on me. Its in my hair too. Think i need a shower.
You: I'll second you on that.
He locked eyes with you for a moment then grinned. It looked as though something amusing had crossed his mind.
Making your way up to his bedroom, after supplying yourself with some drinks and a bowl of snacks, you accepted his offer of having a shower in his en suite instead of waiting until you got home.
Justin: Do you wanna go first or shall i?
You: Nah i will.
You both place the things you were carrying on a small desk inside his bedroom, then he showed you how to work the shower.
Justin: And then just turn this here.
You: Justin, its a shower not a rocket launcher.
He raised his eyesbrows giving a large grin, then started heading for the door.
Justin: Right then. Ill leave you to it. Im going on twitter, i got some photos to upload.
He gives off an obvious wink then shuts the door before you could complain.
His en suite bathroom was very modern. It had black granite flooring, matching the black granite worktops. It had no bath, however a clean toilet stood at the far end, next to a shiny sink which was underneath a large mirror. The corner shower was very spacious inside with power jets and heavy glass doors. Climbing inside it you noticed how it all was lit up with about 50 tiny electric blue lights. Wondering how bright they were you went to turn off the bathroom light, then advanced back into the shower. They were bright enough to light up the shower, so you could see what you were doing although the bathroom was very dark. It was strangely comforting. The hot water hit you, soaking your hair and skin. Jumping out from under it, feeling like you had been scolded you let a small gasp escape. It was your sun burn that had caused this. The hot water made it feel ten times worse. Finally getting out, after making the most of the new scenery, you dried off and got dressed, extremely thankful you brought a fresh set of clothes.
Heading back into the bedroom - a flow of steam from the bathroom following you - your eyes caught Justin lying on the bed with his eyes glued to his laptop in front of him. He spotted you walking towards him and smiled.
Justin: No rocket launchers then?
You: What?
Justin: Nevermind.
He rolled his eyes and scrambled off the bed.
Justin: I've posted up those photos and videos.
You: No, you havent?
You quickly took Justin's space on the bed, hoping he was only messing. Normally you wouldn't be bothered by a disgusting photo of yourself, but the fact that 6 million fans would see it, made you panick slightly. Especially as you hadn't even seen them for yourself.
Justin: Yeh i have. I've been reading what the fans think.
You: And?
Justin: Have a look for yourself. Im going for a shower.
He drew some clothes from his wardrobe, throwing them onto his shoulder then shut the door as he entered the bathroom.
It was just you and Justin's laptop. You clicked onto a link he had left open and found yourself looking at his homepage. Hundreds of mentions a minute were coming through to his twitter. You always wondered what it would be like to see that on a twitter account. You read some of the mentions.
- @justinbieber Omg that video is so funny. i love you, your amazing. Maybe a follow please?
- @justinbieber I LOVE YOUUU! Are you going to Ushers party? PLEASE FOLLOW ME?
- @justinbieber I hate the fact that you get so many mentions from people. Im your biggest fan and you dont even notice me :( ♥
- @justinbieber JUSTIN! Your such an inspiration to me. You have helped me through hard descisions. Please notice and follow back! :)
- @justinbieber Justin i love you! i cant wait to hear your new album! I love your music.
- @justinbieber You make dreams possible. So can you help me with mine and follow me back. It would mean the world! ILY x
- If @justinbieber follows me or sees this im gonna be the happiest person on the planet. i swear!!
- @justinbieber Omg, that should be me in that video and those pictures!! I wish i could meet you. Can you follow back?

You had barely read through a page, when a small notification popped up at the top telling you that there were 1369 more tweets. Most of them all wanted Justin to follow them. Clicking onto his profile you noticed he was following 96,874 people and had just under 6 and a half million followers.
Wondering whether to follow a few of them for Justin as alot of them seemed quite desperate to get noticed, a few tweets from Justin caught your eye.

JustinBieber - Great day, Big night tomorrow. Im pumped. now its #chillouttime - 5 mins ago
JustinBieber - I am #BEAST. She is not :p - 6 mins ago
JustinBieber- #strawshooting - 8 mins ago
JustinBieber - Oops, i think we used too many straws. - 10 mins ago
JustinBieber - Anyone tried straw shooting? HAHA #BEAST - 14 mins ago
JustinBieber - @perezhilton You know it! Thanks man! see you tomorrow :) - 15 mins ago
JustinBieber - gonna upload some pictures. wanna see? 18 mins ago
JustinBieber - Had a blast at the beach. went parasailing. will never beat bungy jumping though - 21 mins ago
JustinBieber - The girl who took my white shades. Can i have them back? Their my life and soul! - 7 hours ago
JustinBieber - For future reference though, i would suggest that nobody should chase my car while im driving. I dont want anyone hurt - 7 hours ago
Justinbieber - My fans know how to make an EXIT! HAHA. - 7 hours ago
JustinBieber - is happy and feeling #badass ;) - 8 hours ago
JustinBieber- Went shopping and got chased by my amazing fans. I love you all. - 8 hours ago
JustinBieber - Man its so hot today, just like you ;) - 10 hours ago

You smiled to yourself, then not being able to help yourself you clicked onto the first link, not knowing what to expect. A picture of you and Justin filled the page with the caption underneath 'I am #BEAST. She is not :p'. He was wearing his white sunglasses and giving off a proffesional pose. You however, gave a wide cheesy smile, looking straight into the camera. This was obviously when you couldn't stop laughing. In the background were a couple sitting at the table next to you. They both stared your way with frowns of annoyance on their faces. Thinking that the picture of you could of been worse and deciding that it was too late to do anything about it anyway, you checked out the other two links. The next photo was of you bent double laughing hard and all around you on the floor was straw wrappers. It actually looked as if you were standing in a pile of rubbish. The last link was a video. As you waited for it to buffer you read some of the comments.
- is that Tansy?
- Who that Justin?
- HAHA THATS WELL FUNNYY! Justins laugh near the end. SO CUTE <33
- OMG. i love straw shooting. I wanna come strawshooting with you justin!
- Whos the girl? her laugh is really annoying.

You stared at the comment again. She thought your laugh was annoying? Oh no. You cannot possibly laugh again. However, you did.
The video had buffered and so you pressed play. You was giving a shocked expression into the camera, then you suddenly turned to the table beside you, snatching the last straw and ripping the wrapper off the end of it. You shot it straight into the camera. You noticed that you was actually laughing in the process of it all. Justin let slip a cute giggle just as it ended.
Justin: What do you think?
Justin had just walked out the bathroom in black skinny jeans, bright blue t-shirt and his hair half wet. You grinned at him amusingly.
You: I like the video.
Justin: I like the photo of us. Your face is the funniest.
You: Yeh thanks for that. I suppose it could be worse.
Justin: Awww.
He collapsed onto his bed, beside you making the bed wobble along with the laptop.
You: Someone on here thinks i have an annoying laugh.
Justin: Nah. Its cute not annoying. Dont always listen to what people say.
You: I didn't know you were on speaking terms with Perez Hilton?
Justin: Yeh man. Hes a cool guy. Hes going to Usher's party, you know.
You: Bloody hell. Who isn't going?
Justin: Well, i mean, its kind of a business party aswell. Alot of people are going for business not just the party.
You: Ohh, well that will explain that then!
Just as you spoke Justin phone bleeped from his bedside table. As he picked it up and read through it.
You: Whos that?
Justin: Its P Diddy.
You: Seriously?
Justin: Yeh. He said he's just heard my single Pray and loves it.
He lets a big smile escape.
You: I thought your album wasn't out yet?
Justin: I promised i get Diddy a copy.
He smiled broadly.
Justin: Says that i should drop by his studio when im free.
You: Oh. How nice! Handing with diddy. You've got it all.
Justin: No i haven't. There are things i have had to sacrifice for this career.
He replied quite forcefully as he sat beside you again.
You: I was reading some of your mentions. A hell of alot of people want you to follow them.
Justin: Yeh i know. Its so hard cause i try and notice like as much as i can but theres so many.
You: Oh, theres only 6 million!
He grinned, a look on his face that read 'are you being sarcastic?'
Justin: Exactly!... So your cousins coming tomorrow?
You: Yep, by the sounds of things.
Justin: Will she be the latest member of our crew?
You supressed a low giggle.
You: She could be. So what you wanna do?
Justin: Come on. Lets head downstairs.
Reaching the living area, you placed yourself on the nearest vancant seat to the tv as Justin got comfy beside you and flicked through the channels.
Justin: Ahh.
Justin had let out an excited gasp as he leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his knees.
You: What?
Justin: This is the episode that i was in.
You: You were on CSI?
Justin: Yeh. I played bad boy Jason.
He raises his eyesbrows into an evil expression.
You: Ohh. I actually watched this. I watched this with Kate.
Justin: Im a badass arn't i?
You: If you say so.
Justin: Im amazing arnt i?
You: If you say so.
Justin: Im sexy in this, arnt i?
You kept your eyes glued to the tv as Justin appeared on it in a red checkered shirt. You could feel his eyes burning into you as he sat beside you, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
You: If.. If you say so.
Justin: I am ... look at me.
You: You are so vain.
Justin: Im kidding! As if i like watching myself... are you mad?
He laughed heavily, turning his attention back to the tv and flicking the channel over again. He finally landed on the news just as a picture of Usher filled up the tele.
'It has been notified that Usher is celebrating a late birthday in Atlanta, tomorrow night. It is said that this is set to big the biggest Celebrity party of the year. People from all over the music industry will be turning up at the luxurious 5 star Dolovine Hotel in midtown Atlanta, some of those are including Pitbul, Tiao Cruz, the gorgeous R&B singer Niki Minaj and worlds teen Sensation Justin Bieber. Its going to be be a huge night.'
Even though the women on the tele had said Justin Bieber, the name you knew so well, it didn't seem like she was talking about the same person. How could that Justin Bieber, the one sat next to you, be a teen sensation? It just didn't seem real at times.
'Speaking of Justin Bieber, alot of fans are still left in unreasonable doubt about these unconfirmed dating rumours flying around. However, those of you belieber's watching, we have some new evidence towards the rumours. The pair were caught shopping in the city centre Mall in Atlanta earlier on today. A source had revealed that they seemed very close and hardly seemed to acknowledge anyone around them. The couple were caught sipping a frappuccino in Starbucks, just before the pair got chased by a group of about 50 crazy fans. Question's to Justin are being asked time again, but unfortunately Justin hasn't yet come forward to confirm or deny them yet. And when asked about them in an interveiw, while he was visiting LA he replied saying 'No Comment'. Does this mean that the rumours are True or False. What do you think?'
The channel was suddenly flicked over and silence filled the room. You snatched a glimpse at Justin to see him doing the same, then quite suddenly you both erupted into laughter. After you calmed down again he put his arm around you and gently took your hand in his, caressing it with his thumb.
Justin: You know, i was meant to talk to you ages ago but... I kinda held back.
You: Why?
Justin: I donno. Well, i thought... I was scared of rejection. I didn't wanna ruin the friendship that had grown, i guess.
You smiled up at him as you put your arm around his waist.
Justin: You know, ill never forget the first time i saw you.
You: Yeh?
Justin: Well after i met kate i noticed you and well i donno why but as soon as i spotted you a song popped into my head.
You: Which song?
Justin: 7 days by Craig David.
You: Seriously?
Justin: Yeh. It was weird, i had this feeling. I cant even describe it, but i liked it.
He glanced down at you as he squoze the top of your arm.
Justin: Like, when i hugged you, my heart was beating, i felt like i was meeting the queen or something.
You: I wish!
You both chuckled together as he carried on.
Justin: I just wanted to find out more about you. To me, you stood out. You didn't seem like a typical girl.
You: Well i am.
Justin: In some ways. And then when i said, you know, ill dm you. And then you said something like ..
You: Why would i want a dm when i have met the real thing?
Justin: Yeh. I was thinking, like 'oh no she dont like me'. And then i started talking about the you being my one less lonely gril on stage and you said -
You: Who says im a one less lonely girl?
Justin: Yeh! I thought i was losing it. I kept thinking you would reject me and i felt like a very vunerable little school kid again. I kept trying to look calm, donno if i did! But i was trying to pluck up courage to ask you for your number.
You: You looked pretty calm to me. In fact i would of said you were quite a flirt.
He smirked towards you and continued.
Justin: Yeh. Well i wasn't calm inside. My mind was racing. Then it seemed like you couldn't wait to leave. I felt like a right fool, after you left. I kept thinking i flirted too much or what you would of thought of me. Then i told myself not to worry, cause i proberly wont ever see you again. Until the very next day i smacked into you at the radio station! I swear, you have the hardest head ever!
You: Me? What about you? I think i have a bruise for life, from when your head hit mine!
Justin: Anyway, thats when i decided to ask you for your number. I was literally praying that you wouldn't say no, and then you seemed kinda pleased and it lifted my spirits well high.
You: Awww.
Justin: I just wanted to get to know you. I never really knew it was going to go this far.
You: Me either. I can remember thinking, how there were proberly a million girls out there who would kill for my position, its not as if you would of chose me.
Justin: Exactly, why would i of chose you?
You: OI!
You smacked him lightly on the leg, giving him a face.
Justin: Im kidding, keep your handbag on!
You: Im not wearing a handbag.
Justin: Its a figure of speech.
You: So anyway...
Justin: Yeh. Then when we went bowling i loved being with you. You got on really well with my mates and they all liked you. I loved being in your company and i still do.
You nodded at him then rested your head on his shoulder.
Justin: Like, i should of discussed this ages ago, but like you never mentioned the rumours, so i thought i would leave it for a bit. I never for once, thought about how you would cope with my fans, being in the magazines and the fame and also the haters.
You: I was alright. I got through. It wasn't that bad.
Justin: I know, but i should of delt with it. I mean, i love being around you. Remember that time at my concert and i asked you to come backstage?
You: Yeh, what was that all about?
Justin: Well, i thought you looked really ... beautiful. I just wanted to be around you, to be with you. So i asked you to come backstage so i could see you. Not many people were happy about it though. Thats why i never met you afterwards. I got shouted at by Scooter cause i was supposed to do my routines and stuff but i never.
You: Justin! Dont put me first! Your career will always come first!
Justin: Well for now. But i cant help myself!
He gave a crooked grin, staring ahead lost in thought.
Justin: That time at the cafe, when i got ratty with you because of the money situation. Well i got shouted at that day aswell. I was tired and kept thinking about you and our italian date or whatever you wanna call it, the night before. Scooter was getting mad with me cause i couldn't concentrate. Thats why sometimes i went days without talking or getting in touch, because i knew that if i spoke to you i would of got distracted.
You: Coor man. You got it bad.
He chuckles your way, sending goosebumps across your body.
Justin: Sometimes when everything gets too much i take it out on someone and i shouldn't, so im sorry about that. I actually like it when you tell me how it is. I like a girl whos in control.
You: Really? Well your going in the wrong direction.
Justin: No im not. Your controlled.
You: I am?
Justin: Yeh!
You: So what we gonna do about these rumours?
Justin: Hold it! I aint heard what you've got to say, yet!
You let out a long low sigh, then started.
You: Right, well i won a pair of free meet & greet tickets for Kate, but i ended up going cause i thought it would be pretty cool to check it out.
So anyway i got there and the place was crowed with screaming fans and giggly girls. I spotted you in front of the billboard thing, and well ... i thought you were rather striking. I fell in love with the enjoyment that was written all over your face. To be honest, you didn't seem that famous to me. All i saw was a teenaged boy getting alot of attention. Not offense.
You laughed, realising what you had said.
Justin: Non taken.
You: And when you started flirting with me, i kinda rised above it because i thought you would do that with all your fans and i didn't want to be the girl who fell for it, actually thinking that i had a chance. I was expecting to see you again at the radio station, but not the way i did. Let me just say, you should of heard my heart beating when you asked for my number... To be honest the rest is a bit of a blur. Its gone so fast and my world has changed completely.
Justin: For better or for worse?
You: Bit of both i guess. I met you and that is totally for the worst ...
He hit you back playfully on your thigh.
You: Just kidding. and that hurt by the way.
Justin: Oh come on. I barely touched you!
You: Yes you did.
Justin: Lies.
You: So what are we gonna do about the rumours?
Justin: I think we should go with the safest option and deny them.
You: Thats the safest option?
Justin: Well unless you want about 6 million haters, then be my guest.
You: Surely all your fans wont hate me?
Justin: Nah. But they will be a few. Some will be happy for me. I hope.
You: So were going to deny the rumours, but whats really going on with us?
Justin: I say were at the stage of seeing each other.
He smiled softly down at you then leaned in for a full on kiss. Your stomach went wild for about the 100th time. This kiss seemed alot more passionate as he held you tightly, varying the pressure of his lips against yours. While lost in a dazed state, you felt his tongue slowly slip into your mouth. It felt amazing. You responded back, then after a while you broke apart and found Justin's eyes sparkling.
Justin: Come on. I want to let twitter know about this latest news. I wanna see what people have to say.
You: They'll proberly be glad.
Justin: Dont be so miserable or i might have to tell the truth.
He took your hand as you both advanced back to his bedroom. Your heart was still beating furiously and your smile was still wide across your face. You gazed at Justin taking him in. He was really there. This was really happening. You were officially seeing him and you had cleared up the rumours with him, finally. It all seemed rather devious, telling his fans a pack of lies for your safety. At least most of your questions were answered now. The only worry left was the competition with Kayley. You could punch yourself with regret. How could you of sunk so low? On the other hand, there was still one more thing to look forward to... Usher's huge celebrity party!

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ... (for Justin Bieber Fans Mainly)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن