Chapter 23

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There's two chapter's here, to make one.

Chapter 23

You wake up too early and again, cant get back to sleep. You turn over and find yourself face to face with Kate.

*She must of dozed off during the film like me*.

You get out of bed quietly and amble downstairs. The sun was bright and warm, so you decide to open the patio door and go eat your breakfast in your back yard, soaking up the sun.  


You pick up your phone lazily of the table.


*Ohh crap. i forgot! urrghh*.

Kate stumbled through the door, half an hour later to join you with another plate full of pancakes. Just then your neighbour, Wil, pops his head around your fence.

The fence broke at the back of the yard about 3 months ago, but niether of you had bothered fixing it. It wasnt doing any harm and it also meant he could pop round easily for random chats if he heard you in your garden. He was a bit talkative, but you normally got on with him alright.

You: Morning Wil. Whats up?

Wil: Yes, Morning girls, beautiful morning right?

He proceeds forwards, across your garden and then takes a seat next to you. Wil was about mid 30s. He had a small beard with thick glasses.

You: Yeh, wants some pancakes?

Wil: Nah, better not, On a diet.

Kate: Diet? But i dont even think you need to lose weight.

Wil: Thanks kate, but im tryin a new regime..... anyway, i saw you in the paper yesterday, all loved up.

He turns to face you, with a 'know it all' kind of smile.

You: What?

Wil: Well, that Justin Beaaber kid.

You laugh at his mistake.

You: Its Bieber... anyway, im not dating him! It was the stupid paper making up aload of pants because unfortunatly for them, they have nothing better to do with their saddistic lifes, than to talk about other peoples great lifes and privacy. Me and Bieber are just friends.

Wil: You will never change.... still, you looked very loved up to me. ... fancy that, ehh? Dating a famous popstar! Whats it like?

You: Im NOT dating him, didnt you just hear me?....Yeh hes famous .. so bloody what?... I need some more orange!

You snatch your glass of the table and march back in the house.  

*I'm sick of this. Everyone thinks were dating. I mean, i dont know why im so bothered, i wish i was dating him! Why am i mad at the rumours? Well... i havent heard from him in two days and hes seen kayley since then, ahh i don't know.... But i do know that i need to clear these rumours up with him ... I wonder if hes getting the same stick as me? Ahh, i can just imagine him laughing at the rumour, that gorgeous smile. ... oh shut up brain!*

At half 10 you decide to get the bus into town, to meet Cal. You find him outside Mcdonalds, with a smile on his face as he spots you, holding 2 milkshakes.

Cal: Hey baby, this is for you, only your favourite, Banana.

You: Awrhh thanks, so shall we go then?

Although he gets on your nerves most of the time, he can be really sweet, and caring, plus he'll always be there for you, thats part of the best friend he was before, the part that hasnt left him since he started liking you. You finally get up the esculators, to the Cinema De Lux on the top floor of the shopping centre, in town. Cal brought your tickets, without you realising, at first, then when you do, you try and shove money in his pocket but he refuses to take it. Karate Kid, the movie you chose to watch in 3D, didn't start until another 30 minutes, so you got your popcorn, a slush puppy and find a seat, till the doors opened for the cinema room.

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ... (for Justin Bieber Fans Mainly)Where stories live. Discover now