Chapter 38

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xjustinbieberxo21 - Thankyou for your support and comments! Im seriously grateful and i really appreciate that you have dedicated a chapter to me!






Thanks once again for your comments! It means alot and its keeping this story coming! =)

Chapter 38

Cal was really starting to do your nut-in! You ignored all his texts and calls as you wasn't sure if you had the strenght to 'rise above it'. You sat in bed that night, thinking about the day. It was, as usual, amazing and seemed too good to be true. Justin made things happen, that you never thought were reachable. You had done so much, in such a little time that you felt you had to catch your breath, as well as trying to wake up, from what seemed like a unbelievable dream. You stared at your ceiling ticking off the things you had done with him, aloud to your bedroom.

- Swimming with dolphins, all nighter waterpark, basketball game, to the beach in a beach buggie, incredible concert, an Italian date on a scooter!

You smiled to yourself, still ticking off the list.

- Go-karting and bowling, recorded songs in a real, proffessional studio!

You let a long, elated sigh escape. You had never even been in a limo before, until you met Justin. It was crazy how your life had changed. You met people, who you only ever dreamed of meeting and people who would be in your life, for what you consider, a very long time. Even Kate had gained something from this. She had met, what could possibly be, a future boyfriend.

It was unbelievable, all of this. Everything. And it had all started at a meet and greet, which you decided to go to, very reluctently. You sat thinking for a moment, about what would be on the agenda, if you hadn't of bumped into Justin at Meteor 106Fm.

You'd most likely be miserable. Proberly just got back in from the park or the cinemas or town. However, defianately not, have just reached home, after spending all day in a studio, with the worlds hottest teen sensation.

You awoke the next morning to find yourself lying on a lump, which turned out to be your phone. You lay in bed, checking to see if anyone had got in touch. You had no more texts or calls off Cal. However, much to your pleasure, you did find one from Justin, telling you he'll call round at half 9.

At that, you leaped out of bed, thinking it must almost be half 9 already, but luckily, it was only 8 o'clock. You skipped into Kates room, as you still hadn't let her know about today.

You: Katee, are you awake?

Kate: Ummph?

You: Kate. You have to come with us today!

She lifted her head, from her pillow then sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes.

Kate: What?

You rolled your eyes, walking over to sit on the end of her single bed.

You: You have to come with Justin and the rest of us today!

Kate: Why? Where you going?

You: Out. Going shopping. Justin said that you should come too.

Kate: Well, i cant.

You frowned at her. She had never, not wanted to come out with you guys before.

You: Why? What you doing?

Kate: Im going ... im going with some mates to support a basketball team, in a big match today.

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ... (for Justin Bieber Fans Mainly)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن