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I was ten. I lost my family, or rather they didn't want me. I'd like to think that it was because they couldn't take care of me. I grew up in an orphanage. I remember a lot, but there is one thing that sticks out the most. A boy. He looked like a lion. So I called him lion. He called me bunny. He said I reminded him of a bunny because of my two front teeth; they stuck out slightly. He said they were cute, and fitting on me. I never knew his name, and he never knew mine.

One day, a man and a woman came, they spent a lot of time with my lion. At the end of the day, he grabbed his backpack and walked out of our room. I didn't understand what was happening, but I couldn't stop crying. "It's okay Bunny, I'll come back for you someday, just wait for me, okay?"

I just nodded and he gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead before walking out the door.

He didn't come back.

Now, I'm twenty-two. I've moved on from my lion. I miss him, but I can live. Although, it wasn't always like this, for years, I would sit on his bed. I'd even sit by the window and look for him. I've grown. I did my waiting. It hurt, but I've learned to love someone else. My turtle. His name is Min Yoongi. He's a bit older than me, but I'm taller.

Even at twenty-two, I'm very successful. I started my own dance company. I'm a prevalent member of the LGBT community. I use my status and position to fight for awareness and rights. Yoongi Hyung and I are fighting for gay marriage in South Korea. At first, we thought about going to the U.S. to get married, but that may seem as if we're ashamed of who we are and our love. I 100% am in love with my turtle.

Even though, every now and then, I'll touch the spot on my forehead where he left a chaste kiss on my forehead on his way to leave me. He'll always have a space in my heart. His sweet rectangle smile and deep soothing voice have imprinted on me in a way that no one else ever could. I'm sure he's forgotten all about me. Found a pretty little thing to hold him on cold nights. I wonder if he still sings. He had such a beautiful voice. I always thought he was the more talented one out of the both of us, though he always insisted it was me.

I love Min Yoongi. He's all I could have ever asked for. He's strong, smart, willful, and goal oriented. He has his own record label with his friends Namjoon, and Hoseok. The three of them are rappers who all started underground. On the side, Hoseok Hyung teaches at my dance company. I gave him his own studio within the company. He works with the more advanced dancers. He goes by the alias of J-Hope. He even works with different trainees for companies like YG Entertainment and SM Entertainment.

Namjoon Hyung. My fiancé's best friend. Currently under the alias of Rap Monster. Currently dating my best friend and manager, Seokjin Hyung, he tells me to call him Jin Hyung. Rap Monster is a badass rapper who doesn't give a fuck about anyone or anything and only has his own back. Namjoon Hyung is a giant dork obsessed with Ryan and Jin Hyung, he's also one of the most helpful and caring people I know. He is also my English tutor; he teaches me for when I have business meetings abroad.

I met my turtle a bit after my lion left me. It was a few months later, I was close to giving up on looking and waiting for my lion. One day, whilst I was sitting on a window sill, he came and sat next to me.

"What are you looking at?"

"I'm not, I'm just waiting."

"For what?"

"My lion, he said he would come back for me."

"He might be awhile, what if I can be your temporary lion?"

At this point, I looked away from the window and looked at him. He had a gummy smile, one he still has today. He had dark brown eyes. The very eyes I get lost in before I go to bed every night.

"I don't want another lion. What about a turtle?"

"Okay, what do I call you?"

"You can call me Kookie, okay?"


He then took my small hand into his and left a small kiss on my knuckle.

{AN: Hi! I'm writing because why not? Anywhore, a lot of things happen in this story, so yeah. Peace out.


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