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"Lion! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" The small boy called out for him, looking and looking. As time went on, the bunny toothed raven became more and more anxious to find the older boy.

"H-hey! C'mon, this isn't funny... I've looked everywhere...c-come out." The anxious and oh so naïve, boy began to cry, sob or weep even.

From the shadows a tall, thin boy emerged, pulling the smaller boy into his lap, cradling him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and rubbing reassuring circles on his back and thigh.

"I was right there, baby. I promise you, okay? I don't think we should play this game anymore. Choose another game for us to play, bun."

"Let's play house. I can be the wife and you can be the husband who goes to work, okay?" the paler of the two said, smiling with a faint blush on his face.

"O-okay..." the older said, trying to ignore the warmth he felt in his chest as he imagined a life with the fragile boy in his arms.

That was the day Taehyung realized he was in love with Jungkook. Before that, he knew he loved him, but this warmth, this pure jovial warmth, it was different. There is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. The revelation struck Taehyung as something scary. But, he would never say it or let it get to him; he had someone to care for. Jungkook was his only concern, his only weakness.

"I have one condition though, bun. I'll only play if I can be your husband when we get older, your real husband. "

"Of course, I'll be your happy wife, we'll live a happily ever after."

{A/N: Did yall hoes miss my shitty writing? No. Well, you have some anyway.}

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