Chapter 27

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A month had passed since the encounter with Dylan and there had been no sign of him. We desperately wanted to put our guard down and just think that he had given up, but we knew better. Cannon kept reminding us that it was basic attacking principle, something he had learned in the Marines. He said that the enemy would retreat and stay off the radar for weeks, making you think they were gone and no longer a threat. As soon as you let your defenses down, they’d attack. He said this was the same situation and we couldn’t take the risk of letting our guard down.

Even though everyone was still on edge, we still had to go on with our lives. Dad and Trent had to continue running the business with Tristan, Easton, Talon, and Rox doing their jobs within the company. Nikki went on with her job at the local pharmacy while Jayson was in school. Liam and Tegan continued going to school with Liam doing his job for the company as well. Tegan, who was now sporting a nice little baby bump, got a job as a waitress at the diner in town. She didn’t need the money; she did it more for something to do. Kasper had gone back to his house to continue going to school, but he’d come down to visit every weekend. James had moved in with Kasper until he could get a place of his own and he had transferred to the same school as Kasper and Cayden.

Daddy and Trent went to school with the dean of Cayden’s school, so they were able to pull some strings and allow Cayden to switch to online classes until we got the situation sorted out. Therefore, Cayden was able to stay with me and our sons throughout the week, instead of having to go back to our house for school. I was just glad that the football season was over so that he didn’t have to worry about that on top of everything else.

“Are you leaving soon?” I asked as I walked into my old bedroom that had now become mine and Cayden’s as well as the boys’.

Cayden was sitting on the edge of his bed, leaning down to tie his shoes. He sat up as he heard me and I walked over to him and straddled his waist, looping my arms around his neck.

“I’m just waiting for Liam and Tristan to get here and then we’re leaving,” he answered, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

“Just don’t corrupt our sons too much. They’re a little too young to be acting like you guys just yet,” I said as I buried my face in the side of his neck.

“Don’t worry. Our little boys are safe,” Cayden assured me, tightening his arms around my waist.

“Of course they are. Their Daddy would never let anything hurt them,” I retorted, kissing his neck.

“No I wouldn’t,” Cayden said, his voice so fierce that I knew he was thinking about Dylan.

“Calm down baby. Today’s a fun day,” I advised, trailing kisses along his neck in an attempt to calm him down.

“You’re right baby girl,” he said, tilting his head to the side subconsciously, making me smile.

From downstairs, I heard the sound of the front door opening and then I heard the voices of Liam, Tegan, and Tristan, signaling it was time to go. I pulled my face away from Cayden’s neck and sat on his lap, staring into his eyes. Even amongst all the fear and paranoia of the Dylan situation, Cayden had still managed to make me the happiest I had ever been.

“I love you,” I told him with a small smile on his face.

“I love you too,” he responded, leaning forward to press his lips to mine.

“Now, now, none of that. We have to go!” Tristan said from the doorway, a smile in his voice.

I pulled away from Cayden and stood up, straightening my shirt that Cayden had apparently started to pull up without me knowing.

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