not so comforting

391 29 43

the convo in the cover is what lead to this gc if you didn't read the summary.


alienfuck has added die-chi, tetsubro, hooter, kengee, and terror-shima.

alienfuck: hello, all.

die-chi: uhm, hello ???

fuckatuchi: new phone who dis?

terror-shima: dude, it doesn't work like that here.

kengee: f UCK.

tetsubro: i just wanna know why im here ?

hooter: brO.

tetsubro: BROkuto.

hooter: holy shit, imma change my name to that hold up.

hooter has changed his name to brokuto.

brokuto: how's this??

tetsubro: clever, if I do say so myself,,,

die-chi: you came up with it...

terror-shima: indeed he did.

kengee: indeed he did.

alienfuck: indeed he did.

brokuto: indeed he did.

tetsubro: indeed I did.

die-chi: .... I think I'm going to leave.

alienfuck: wAIT WAIT WAIT

die-chi: oikawa, it's like three in the morning, what is the purpose of this?

alienfuck: do u guys ever get refused nudes?

tetsubro: dude.

terror-shima: LMAO NO.

die-chi: smh ^

kengee: you lack class.

brokuto: dude.

alienfucker: guys im being serious right now.

terror-shima: yeah, guys. Nudes r serious business.

die-chi: oikawa, I swear if this is about Iwaizumi not sending nudes.

brokuto: hey, oikawa, you want my nudes?

alienfuck: nO.

brokuto: :( are my arms not like Iwaizumi's??? Am I not good enough for yOU. IS THAT WHAT YOURE SAYING?!?!

tetsubro: you're more than enough for me, bro.

brokuto: bro.

terror-shima: *sends "gaaayyy" vine*

tetsubro: it's broooomaaannnceee.

brokuto: ain't nothing gay about ittttttt,,

kengee: intense bromance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

die-chi: im out.

die-chi has left the chat

alienfuck: how did he know it was about iwaizumi tho

terror-shima: idk

kengee: should we add him back?

alienfuck: I'll do it.

alienfuck has invited die-chi to the chat
die-chi has left the chat
alienfuck has invited die-chi to the chat

die-chi: what oikawa, what

alienfuck: how did you know it was about iwaizumi?

die-chi: he texted suga warning him just in case you pulled something and suga told me.

terror-shima:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

kengee: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

tetsubro: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

brokuto: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

alienfuck: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

die-chi: sigh

die-chi: he also said that you need to stop asking for nudes. And that he's not your boyfriend.

die-chi: bye.

die-chi has left the chat

kengee: well, fuck.

terror-shima: gotta blast also, ouch.

terror-shima has left the chat

tetsubro: lmao gonna sleep now, night.

brokuto: ily gn ❤ hoot, hoot.

tetsubro: ily2 ❤❤

alienfuck: :(

kengee: gay and lonely, same.

alienfuck: that's not so comforting at all

kengee: it wasn't supposed to be comforting.


well like, the lower half of the summary said, I am aware that there are many of these but yeah..
I wanted to make my own.
I hope you like it :)

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