NaCl comes into the equation

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thelittlegiant: guys it's fine it's whatever. i don't care anymore.

kenma: ...

handy maki: y r u lyin tho

mattsupepe: say the word sunshine and I'll pound him

brokuto: heheheheheheh

Akaashi: Bokuto-san, no.

brokuto: Bokuto-san, yes.

tetsubro: ohohohoho

kenma: kuroo, pls

brokuto: ohohohohohohoho

Akaashi: Bokuto-san...

tetsubro: ohohohohoHOhOhoOHOhoOHOHo

kenma: kuroo, not now.

Akaashi: You also need to stop, Bokuto-san. Now is not the time.

brokuto: D: Akaashi...

Akaashi: Bokuto-san.

brokuto: fine. hmPH.

tetsubro: no, wait. bro. pm me.

brokuto: Oooooo, sneaksies, I like. brb

yaku: Well, everything was interesting to read... Also guess who will be back soon.


mattsupepe: it has been thirteen and three-fourths years since we last saw our son.

yaku: ... If you mean Lev, then yes.

handy maki: yAAAAAASS

mattsupepe: hehe, ass^

handy maki: Smh

brokuto: k, we are back

tetsubro: and have decided that we will not stop our ohoho'ing unless

kenma: unless?

Akaashi: Unless?

brokuto: you let us chose your new user names

tetsubro: :D sounds like a good deal if I ever heard one, rite?

kenma: kuroo

kenma: no.

tetsubro: o well then.

brokuto: we tried, ready bro?

Akaashi: Okay. Wait. Kenma-san... Maybe we should? If they will stop. It cannot be that bad, right?

kenma: ... I like you n all but I don't think it's the best thing that we'll ever do.

kenma: but fine, lets do it.

tetsubro: I will pm you your new name kenma (((:

brokuto: and I will pm you yours, akaashi cx

yaku: well, now that that's settled, what about the apology situation? where did Daichi and Sugawara go. Hopefully not murdering a certain 180 cm, dark haired boy.

yaku: cough, cough. Sugawara, Daichi. That was your cue to assure that you are in fact not murdering anyone.

thighchi: and cues are why I don't do theater, I always miss them.

SpookySuga 👻: yet you are really good with receiving. I see.

SpookySuga 👻: but, no. We were not murdering anyone. Just convincing someone to help us with the apology.

handy maki: and that someone is???

thighchi as added Kei to the chat

mattsupepe: o shit

handy maki: waddup

Kei: Hey, dumbass Kageyama.

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