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Harry: have y'all heard nialls tune? It's ACE
Phil: ugh why does everyone hold that against me
Harry: cause it's funny
Sydney: hey, kindness is ace
Sydney: PHILIP
Phil: ...
Dan: yes I did listen to it
Niall: what'd ya think?
Dan: Sydney screamed. I thought it was really good. Really cool tune, mate
Sydney: ugh why did you tell him that
Dan: because it's true
Niall: well I think it's cute Sydney
Dan: okay I take it bACK IT WAS TERRIBLE. BACK OF M8
Niall: oh
Niall: ok then
Sydney: one, thank you Niall and two, Dan chill your beans
Dan: I have no beans
Sydney: says you
Dan: you make no sense
Sydney: you love me
Dan: that I do, little llama
Harry: Little llama?
Dan: yes
Sydney: he loves llamas
Dan: but not as much as I love food
Sydney: what about me!?!
Dan: haha I was joking, I love you more than anyone or anything
Sydney: awh I love you too 💖
Mitch: seriously, y'all are cuter than me and Scott
Scott: you guys are
Dan: I'd have to agree with them, Sydney. We're adorable
Sydney: I thought you were gonna say adorbs and I was gonna punch you
Harry: I mean Larry is pretty cute 😏
Louis: Harry what is wrong with you?
Harry: there's so much
Sydney: tru
Dan: oooooooooooooh burnnnnnnnnnn
Harry: I burned myself tho
Sydney: again, tru
Felix: this group chat went in a weird direction
Mark: hehe direction
Jack: Mark shut up
Sydney: yeh bad puns are mine and dan's thing
Mark: okay whale I just got roasted
Marzia: you had it coming
Felix: you guys are so odd.

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