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Sydney: dans a chip
Dan: why
Phil: OH NO
Kate: "Dip me, Dip me!"
Dan: this is bullying
Sydney: your mom is bullying
Mark: get rekt by your own fiancée Daniel
Dan: ugh I hate all of you
Sydney: awh I'm flattered
Dan: ...
Kate: you love her Dan don't lie to yourself
Dan: yeh I know. How can you not? She's a smol bean
Mitch: I'm a smol bean
Sydney: Mitchell I'm gonna frickin kill you
Harry: I'll help
Sydney: my gosh you two are jealous monkeys
Dan: monkeys?
Sydney: don't question my logic
Sydney: also Dan your moms a smol bean
Dan: yeah I know
Sydney: she's shorter than my sister
Dan: that's true. Your sister is... What... 4'6?
Sydney: something like that
Harry: you've seen her sister?
Dan: yes...? We've been together for three years of course I have
Mitch: and Sydney you've seen his mom?
Sydney: duh
Sydney: I've met his whole family
Sydney: they all seem to like me okay
Dan: like you? They LOVE you
Sydney: ya make a gal blush Daniel
Dan: hehe it's what I do
Louis: wait so basically Harry is jealous of Dan because he "loves" Sydney and Mitch is jealous of Sydney because he "loves" Dan?
Felix: I know I don't understand either
Niall: it's ridiculous actually
Harry: you can't stop your feelings
Sydney: no you can't. *clings to dan*
Dan: *delicately holds sydney* THESE MONSTERS ARE TRYING TO TEAR US APART *fake cries*
Sydney: *fake cries into your shoulder*
Jack: what the...
Sydney: we're bored
Dan: and we're too lazy to actually do something with our lives
Sydney: tru
Kate: are chu cuddling?
Sydney: no were out murdering dogs
Sydney: what do you think
Dan: *sends selfie of Dan and Sydney all cuddled up and smiley*
Mitch: bleh
Harry: I agree with Mitch
Sydney: get
Sydney: over
Sydney: it
Dan: we love each other and we don't care if you "love" us because we have each other and that's all that matters
Sydney: you made him sappy
Dan: cause at the end of the day all I care about is Sydney's happiness and health
Sydney: Dan
Dan: she's everything to me, were everything to each other
Sydney: Dan
Dan: I love her more than I love my own mother (which is a lot)
Sydney: DANIEL
Dan: heheheh
Phil: what just happened
Dan: she kissed me to shut me up
Dan: and smiled
Dan: and told me I'm too cheesy and she loves me too

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