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Sydney added Kate to the group

Sydney: Guys this is Kate.
Dan: hiiiii
Phil: hiya!
Felix: hi Kate
Kate: hehe hi
Sydney: we met through a fandom. Can you guess which one?
Dan: Pentatonix?
Sydney: nope
Mitch: awe dangit
Phil: is she a phan
Kate: ding ding ding!
Dan: really? Who's your favorite?
Kate: umm at the moment it's Dan but I love Phil too
Phil: dang it
Sydney: Philly are you feeling lonely again
Phil: ...yes
Sydney: well that's why I brought Kate here! I know she loves Phil just as much as Dan (mostly... She likes Dan a smidge more, but I think that's gonna change soon) so I decided, why not introduce you two??
Kate: I'm flattered
Phil: so basically you're trying to get me a girlfriend?
Sydney: yeah pretty much
Phil: okay sweet
Dan: she doesn't ship phan does she
Dan: why does everyone and their dog ship me with Phil? It's just gross!!
Sydney: agreed
Kate: nope.
Dan: good
Phil: yes, very good
Dan: Sydney where did you goooo
Sydney: I'm eating ice cream
Dan: can I have some
Sydney: no
Dan: pleaasssseeee
Sydney: hah no
Dan: can I at least come cuddle with you
Sydney: no I'll get it on you
Sydney: just wait like two minutes I'm almost done
Dan: ugh fine
Dan: but hurry
Dan: I need my cuddle buddy
Sydney: *runs into dans room and jumps on top of him in his bed* THE CUDDLE BUDDY IS HERE
Sydney: what makes you think I wouldn't
Phil: I could hear that from my room
Phil: ugh stop laughing
Dan: so I'm not allowed to be happy?
Phil: no
Sydney: what about me??
Phil: nope
Kate: ugh I'm so lonely
Phil: same. We could be lonely together?
Kate: I'm down
Phil: omg I've never even met her shut up
Sydney: you will ;)
Phil: who's at the door?
Sydney: idk you get it
Sydney: I'm cuddling
Phil: ugh
Phil: oh
Felix: what just happened

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