22 (actual chapter)

50 3 6

Dan's POV

As I stood behind Phil in the same position as my wife, I became nervous. Today was the day my best friend would leave me and be with Kate. I love Kate, and he loves her too. But it's gonna be weird not seeing him everyday. Sydney, who was dressed in her black bridesmaid dress, looked stunning, making me even more nervous.

Kate walked down the isle, in a white gown, grinning like an idiot. Once she made it to Phil, they had a small exchange, but I didn't hear what they said.

I look at Sydney, who's grinning at her friend. She looks away and makes eye contact with me, grinning still. It was then when my nerves went away. It was then I realized, even if I don't see Phil as much, I'll have my girl, and that's all that mattered.

They both went through their vows and the priest kept going on with the ceremony. Phil was grinning the whole time, and I was ecstatic for him. He's never had this before. Then again, neither have I before Sydney, and I was happy for him. Kate makes him happy.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride, Phil."

Phil smiled and didn't hesitate to kiss his Kate. She grabbed his hand and they walked off together, grinning like idiots.

Sydney smiled and took my hand. "You ready, DanielDreamX?" She smirked. I hit her arm playfully.

"Why yes I am, Mrs. Howell. Let's go," I replied. She smiled and started leading my away.

"I'm still not used to that and it's been almost a year."

"Used to what?" I cocked my head at her.

"Being called Howell. 'And here we have Mrs. Sydney Howell.' 'Mrs. Howell, could you run to the shops for me?' It's all so foreign. But I love it."

I smiled and pulled her into a loving embrace.

"Me too. I'm not used to being asked, 'So Daniel, how's your wife doing?' I always have to think about it for a minute before realization hits me."

She smiled and buried her face into my neck, giggling lightly. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I rubbed her back gently, rocking her back and forth. We were standing next to Phil and Kate at the reception, but everyone was so eager to talk to them, they left us alone. Not that I cared though, I'm not social anyways.

"Hey Phil?" Sydney said suddenly. Phil looked over at her. "Would you mind if we went to sit down? Everyone's ignoring us anyways."

Phil frowned.

"No no! Not in a bad way. We're kind of ignoring them too," she said giggling. Phil sighed a sigh of relief and nodded, smiling.

We walked to a table and took a seat. I took her hand and she rested her head on my shoulder. Someone came up to us. I had to stare for a moment. It was my ex, Aria. She had long brown hair, a fake smile and wore a dress that was too low cut and short for my liking. Not to mention she wore way too much makeup. Why I ever dated her, I'm not sure.

"Hi, Dan!" she said giggling. She looked at Sydney on my shoulder and her smile faltered instantly. "And you must be... Sydney."

She nodded. "Yup, that's me."

Aria glared at her and looked back at me.

"Oh, Danny, you could do so much be-"

"First of all, never, EVER, call me Danny again. Second, nobody is better than Sydney, so don't you DARE finish your sentence," I interrupted, standing up and furrowing my eyebrows in frustration, taking Sydney by surprised. She gave me a questioning look. "Ex-girlfriend," I mouthed. She nodded and glared at Aria.

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