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Dan: she held the world upon a string
Phil: but she didn't ever hold me
Sydney: stop it
Dan: whyyyyyy
Sydney: because I love that song, but it makes me bawl. lol
Dan: awh bby it's okay I'll cuddle you while we listen to it and cry together
Phil: your idea of cute is very different than mine
Sydney: George Ryan Ross III gives me feels
Dan: sAME
Sydney: like ugh if I wasn't married I'd marry him
Sydney: him and beebo.
Sydney: 😍😍
Dan: should I be concerned
Sydney: no
Sydney: I said if I wasn't married. But I like being married sooooooooooooooooo yeah.
Mark: can y'all just like not spam me thx
Sydney: oh suck it Mark
Dan: 😏😏
Sydney: I hate you
Dan: mhm sure you do

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