Kiss Scene ~ Kim Soo Hyun

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By: @TheTavernPrincess

She's back at it again! I'm not complaining though.


"babe, will you help me practise this scene?" Kim Soo Hyun asks Taylor. Taylor nods and takes the paper. "Do you like me?" She reads. Soo Hyun shakes his head "No, now get out of my sight" he says coldly. Taylor fake cries and turns but then stops dead in her tracks. Soo Hyun comes up and grabs her hand then kisses her. Taylor kisses back and he pulls away. "You're not supposed to kiss back, you punk" he teases. "How can I not when you're so cute" she says and they kiss again.


Everyone knows what scene that is, right? If not, then I suggest watching My Love From the Star. It's one of my all time favorite K-dramas and I knew I fell hard for Kim Soo Hyun as soon as I saw him.

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