Midnight Snack

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It was a scorching night and people were trying to find a way to remain cool. The heat kept them from sleeping. An elderly man with glasses walked down the road trying to get to the nearest store to buy some cold drinks for him and his family. The sweat dropped from his head to his already stained white shirt like raindrops on a storm. The man kept sweeping the fluid of his face.He walked down the pavement with a fast pace and reached the nearby store. The door opened automatically as he  quickly stormed off to the fridge and grabbed a pack of cold colas and then headed for the cashier. He placed the pack at the cashier and reached his pockets to find money.

"Mr. Hibachi! Something to keep you cool for the night huh?"

The cashier scanned the man's colas. The elder man smirked to the young cashier..

"You have no idea Yohiro. How much is it?" said as he reached his hands with a twenty dollar bill at his hands.

"This one is on me." said the young man while packing the colas.

"What? No, Yohiro please!"said the elder man with his hand holding the money.

"Consider it as a gift for little Kiro!"said the cashier with a big smile on his face.

"You are really kind Yohiro. But if I won't pay, tomorrow you'll come for dinner to my house."
The young cashier smirked but as he was ready to say a thing the elder man interrupted him.
"No is not an option." said the man with a cheary tone.

"You know me. Can't say no to a meal from Ms. Hibachi"

"Good. Dinner is served at 7. Don't be late."

"Yes sir." said the young man while handing the colas over to the man.

"Have a good night Yohiro."

"You too Mr. Hibachi."
Both of them waved at each other goodbye and the man got out of the store. He started walking to his home with a bag full of cold colas. He was on his way when he passed through an alleyway. That's when he heard a nasty deep voice.


Hibachi stopped as he heard the deep voice coming from the alley. He slowly turned his head to that direction andtried to look who was talking.

"Um...Excuse me. I-is anyone there?"
He slowly walked towards the alley. His felt his feet shaking a bit. 


The voice sent shivers down his spine. His breath became a bit funny.

"I'm, I'm sorry i don't have any food with me. If you'd like I have some in my house! Would you like to come with me?"said Hibachi with a sharp breath coming after every word he spoke.

The voice slowly faded to the point of being heard faintly.

"Helpp.... Dying..."

Hibachi was petrified. He could feel his heart beat faster with each passing second. It was like his heart tried to escape his chest.

"Yo- You're hurt. God, I'll call 911."

Hibachi got out his phone and managed to dial 911 before the faint voice was heard again.


Hibachi felt fear like never before in his life. His sweat from the heat turned cold as it fell on to his skin. His pounding heart held him standing there like a marble statue. He tried to move but his muscles wouldn't obey him. He took a couple of deep breaths.
"I'm...I'm comig to help you."
Hibachi run in the dark alley, dropping his colas to the ground. As he entered the dark alley he sought to find a body lying around there. The voice stayed silent not giving a sign of life. Hibachi turned left and right trying to find who was hurt.
"Where are you? Are you OK?"he said while walking around scared.
As he finished his sentence he tripped over an object and fell onto a dumpster. The impact of the fall shook him and made his glasses to fell from his head. He tried to search them on the ground. As he looked at the ground with his hand he felt something different than dirt. Something that had different texture. Something like liquid. Hibachi crouched a bit and found his glasses. He quickly put them back on and saw what caused him to fall. The entire ground was covered with blood coming out of a body. Hibachi was speechless. His clothes socked in the blood of the diseased. His eyes filled with terror. His heart pounding faster and faster almost as it was about to burst. He turned the body around to see who it was. As soon as he regretted it. The dead body lying there was Yohiro's. Hibachi felt sick and puked a few inches away from the body. Yohiro was missing and eye, a leg and his guts were all over the alley.
"Oh my God!"he yelled.
"Someone. Anyone please help."he yelled once more only to not be heard.
At that point a chilling breeze of wind gave the man chills. The blood from the body slowly was covered by a shadow figure hovering over it. Hibachi slowly looked up. His lungs had given up on him. Every breath he took came from his mouth. His heavy fast breathing made him feel dizzy.
The shadow figure slowly leveled with him. His shadow covered hand reached for Hibachi's face. The shadows penetrated his mouth and nose forcefully. Hibachi slowly felt his breathing becoming harder, he felt his lungs crushing and slowly choking to death.
"Shush."said the shadow figure.
"It all will be over soon. "said the shadows figure again.
Hibachi couldn't move and inch. He gave his last breath sitting helpless and afraid. The shadow figure rose up and the shadows left Hibachi's body. The figure turned around and instantly was joined by another one. Another figure of it could even be named something like that. A short figure with skin burned almost to a crisp. Yellow eyes that shined menacingly through the darkness. Cuts all over its body and claw marks as big as those from a bear. Its head was disfigured. Its jaw broken with its tongue sticking out of its mouth and drooling all over his half naked body. Its hands thin as the rest of the body with the exception of the round stomach. Its nails almost as big as knives buy twice as sharp. A hideous figure indeed.
"It's all yours Gaki. "said the shadow figure.
" Finally.... Food!"screeched the guy as it leaped on the dead body of Hibachi. The shadows of the figure struck him down of Hibachi's body.
"This body is not to be eaten, you repulsive monster."
The Gaki crouched like a dog ready to jump on the figure.
"What is it for then?" said the Gaki with his tongue going all over his face.
"I'll explain you later. If you want to satisfy you hunger now, eat this one." said the shadow figure while pointing at Yohiro's body.
"Finally....I'll eat!" screamed the Gaki with pleasure as it leaped over to the dead Yohiro's body and started biting it and devouring it. The Gaki kept eating his body and laughed manically with satisfaction as the shadow figure kept watching.
"I'll be coming for you Ryuu."whispered the shadow figure.
The figure's word carried the wind and a strong breeze of cold air was felt throughout the entire city of Tokyo. The wind that howled like a wild wolf was the warning of the darkness that was arriving but nobody could feel it.

"So the time has come aye? I need to prepare the boy. "

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