School's The Worst

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Ryuu and Asuka both were seated at their different desks as they were forced to sit silent at the detention. They weren't allowed to talk not like they would talk to each other, they weren't allowed to do anything exept from their own homework but as they were in a exam period they didn't have any homework to do. They had to sit quietly on their own and do nothing but to wait for their dismissal. Mr. Hibachi was sitting on his desk reading what it seemed to be a newspaper that came out that morning. Ryuu looked closer to the paper andtried to read the article written in the back. He focused his sight to the title of the article and he gasped as he read it.
"What is it?"said Hibachi as he placed his paper down.
Ryuu looked at Asuka with a tense look. His bothered look disturbed Asuka a bit. Hibachi was paying close attention to them. He called Ryuu once more.
"Makai, I said what happened?"said Hibachi with a raised voice.
""he tried to talk but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth.
"Please don't tell me you forgot it in your class?"said Asuka with her eyebrows moving up and down.
Ryuu looked at her with a puzzled look but Asuka looked him back as firm as before.
"What is she talking about Makai?"said Hibachi as he paid close attention to both of them.
"Yes, that's it."said Ryuu while snapping his fingers together.
"I forgot my notebook back under my desk and it has notes for tomorrow's exam. Mr. Hibachi can I go get it?" said Ryuu with a straight face.
"There is no way I'm letting any of you troublemakers out of this classroom. I'll go get it for you but it better not happen again."said Hibachi as he got out of the class.
"Yes sir."said Ryuu as he watched Hibachi walk out of that door.
The moment Hibachi got out of the class Asuka jumped off her seat and went near Ryuu looking at him with an intrigued look.
"What happened?"said Asuka with her eyes pinned at Ryuu's lips.
"N-Nothing, it's probably nothing."said Ryuu with a troubled look.
Asuka said nothing. She just lowered he glasses a bit and stared into his brown eyes, waiting for him to continue talking. Ryuu tried to remain silent but her gaze made him feel more and more unsettled.
"Look, we have ten minutes tops before he comes back sooo spit it out already!" said Asuka with a piercing look.
Ryuu looked around to check that Hibachi wasn't anywhere near.
"The newspaper he was reading. There was an article at the back about a body they found last night disfigured."said Ryuu with a troubled look.
"That's it? You got scared?"said Asuka as she stood up and was ready to get back to her seat.
Ryuu grabbed her hand before she could even make a step. She saw that and sat down once more.
"The article said that the body belonged to a young man named Yohiro Tsosun."said Ryuu with his eyes pinned at his desk.
"Getting somewhere?"said Asuka as she rolled her eyes over.
"Yohiro leaves next to Mr. Hibachi. Hibachi's son Kiro and him were like brothers, Hibachi himself thought of him as a son and now he reads about his death and just stands there doing nothing?"said Ryuu with a shaken voice.
"Maybe he didn't read it yet."said Asuka as she scratched her head.
"He lives next door, the police would come to him for questioning, there is no way he wouldn't know."said Ryuu as he got up from his seat and looked around for any signs of Hibachi coming.
"Maybe you overthink some stuff?"said Asuka as she gotup from her seat.
"Don't you find it weird that Ms. Itami just called sick out of nowhere and left?"said Ryuu with a calm voice.
"People do that you know."she said as she went to her seat and sat down.
"Not her."he as he started walking out the classroom.
"Hey wait! Where are you going?"said Asuka as she rose up from her seat.
"Ms. Itami might be a pain the neck but trust me she wouldn't miss the chance to make my life miserable even for an hour not even death himself would stop her. There is no way in hell she is sick or left the school. I'm going to find Mr. Hibachi and demand the truth."said Ryuu as he stormed off the classroom like the wind before Asuka even had a chance to stop him.
"Hey wait!"yelled Asuka but Ryuu was already gone.
"Of all the dump ones and I had to bump into Sherlock freaking Holmes."she said to herself as she run out of the class to find Ryuu.
She got out of the class to the hallway and looked around searching for Ryuu but he was already out of sight. She just stood there in the middle of the hall not knowing where to go. Ryuu had already gone to his classroom where Hibachi was supposed to be. He entered the class but all he saw were the empty seats and desk along with the cleaned blackboard with no sight of Hibachi.
"If he was going back to the class I would have seen him." he said as he looked back at the school corridor.
"Where is he?"he said while looking around.
Ryuu stepped back from the class and walked down the school aisle slowly, looking for Hibachi. As he walked he felt a chilling breeze cruizing down his spine sending shivers to his entire body. He felt the temperature of the corridor slowly dropping and as he exhaled his breath turned to vapor. He stood still and took a better look at his breath. Just as he stopped a small drop of water dropped in front of him. Ryuu heard the drop falling and waited for another one to fall. As soon as the next drop fell Ryuu turned to see where it came from. The water drop fell right in front of him. Ryuu slowly turned his head up to look where the water was coming from. As he turned it up more drops fell from the ceiling to his face. When he finally turned his head up the only thing he saw clearly were two shining yellow eyes and an long tongue sticking out of what it seemed to be a broken jaw. The water dropping down wasn't water but instead drool. Ryuu's was shaken to the bone. His eyes were trembling from fear and his heart started pounding faster with each passing moment. The longer he stared into those hellish yellow eyes his breathing became faster and heavier to the point of Ryuu having a panic attack that exact moment. The yellow eyed creature slowly came down to the ground near Ryuu and slowly and with his knife like claws tried to touch Ryuu that had been frozen to the bone. His tongue sticking out from his mouth and touching Ryuu face making him feel petrified.
"I thought I told you to stay in class, you pesky little brat."said the Gaki as he proceeded to place his tongue around Ryuu's neck and slowly started chocking him.
Ryuu tried to struggle against the Gaki's attack. He tried to free himself from the choke hold his was in. The Gaki raised Ryuu up in the air and threw him at the other side of the corridor. The impact was so forceful that it shattered the wall Ryuu landed on. Ryuu was shaken. His back became numb from the pain. His head was feeling as it would explode. The Gaki was crawling over to his side with his drool falling from his mouth to the entire floor. The Gaki looked at Ryuu with his sinister look. With each of his step his claws left a mark to the floor. His burned body shedding bit by bit with every movement he made. The Gaki was ready to leap on to the wounded Ryuu like a lion to a wounded gazelle. He was ready for the final kill.
"You really shouldn't get out of that classroom."said the Gaki as he came closer.
Ryuu had a hard time breathing. He could feel his shattered bones move inside his wounded body. His back had a huge scar from the impact with the wall and blood came out from it. Ryuu tried not to move in order to not make it worse but the pain he felt was excruciating. He took deep big breaths and looked at the Gaki's way.
"W-what did you do to Mr. Hibachi?"
The Gaki laughed in a freakish way when he heard those words. He stopped for a bit and looked at Ryuu.
"Ohoho, that's right. You never saw me like that. Only how I was before."said the Gaki as his head started to move rapidly back and forth until it changed completely to Mr. Hibachi's face. Ryuu was freaking out. His hands were shaking and were out of control.
"Mr. Makai I have good news. You don't have to take the exams. That's because you'll die!"said the gaki as it finally reached Ryuu.
The Gaki bursted to laughter as he went back to his original form. Ryuu tried to look around for anyone that might come this way. He knew he had to warn them to stay away. That's when he remembered Asuka. She was still somewhere around the school looking for Hibachi. He had to warn her. But to do that he had to escape.
"I knew you weren't the real Hibachi."said Ryuu as he tried to breath.
"Oh. So you are a smart one heh."said the Gaki as he came closer to Ryuu's face.
"Good, because smart ones taste better."he whispered to his ear.
Ryuu felt his entire body screaming to get as far away from there as fast as possible. But his muscles wouldn't obey him.
"The real Mr. Hibachi. What did you do to him?"said Ryuu while trying to remain cool.
The Gaki laughed once again and send Ryuu chills as his laughter passed through his ears.
"Oh, same thing I did to Ms. Itami, I ate him, took his body, killed his family, you know the usual."said the Gaki once more with his tongue licking Ryuu
Ryuu felt his insides turning around and he suddenly had the desire to puke all over the place but tried to restrain himself.
"You son of a bitch. Just what the hell are you?"said Ryuu as he grinded his teeth.
"Funny you should say that. I actually was a son of a bitch before I die. Now I'm just a Gaki."he whispered to Ryuu's ear as he slowly carved his right shoulder with his claw.
Ryuu screamed with agony from the unbearable pain he was out through.
"Look kid it was fun prolonging your suffering but I think it's time to put you to rest. Don't worry. I'll make your death well painful. Oh well whatever, let's get this over with."said the Gaki as it was ready to bite Ryuu's head off.
Before he was even close to that though a familiar voice was heard from the other side of the corridor. A certain female voice.
"Hey, failed Halloween skeleton, his out of your reach."she said as she raised both her hands to the height of her shoulders in a straight line.
"Asuka?"said Ryuu without caring about the Gaki almost biting him.
"What do I have to do to eat in peace here?"said the Gaki and immediately jumped off Ryuu.
He ran as fast as he could to Asuka ready to devour her in one go. His tongue moving all over the place, drooling above the floor. His claws ready to enter Asuka's flesh. Asuka stood there calm and took a big breath.
"Asuka, get out of the way!"yelled Ryuu at her with all his might.
As the Gaki was ready to leap on Asuka, she exhaled and yelled with passion.
"Kaze no Kawa!"she yelled and immediately a huge gust of wind sent the Gaki flying to the other side of the corridor breaking the wall that Ryuu was leaning on and throwing him outside the school building.
"Holy shit!"exclaimed Ryuu as he saw what unraveled before his own eyes.
Asuka rushed to his aid and tried to help him get up. As soon as she touched him Ryuu screamed of pain.
"Arghhh! Maybe not a good idea to touch me now."said Ryuu while clenching his fist as hard as he could.
"My God! No human should survive a hit like that."said Asuka with a tone of surprise in her voice.
"Well, whate- hey, when did you get all blurry?"said Ryuu with his eyes half shut.
"What? Wait Ryuu! Ryuu!"she yelled as Ryuu fell unconscious on her lap.

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