Saved By The Bell...Kinda

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The chilling breeze of wind that covered Tokyo gave its place to the heat of the sun. It's rays extending everywhere sending a massage to everyone to get up. The few clouds at the sky did not bother the rays one bit. People were already up to go to their works. Others were awake since and before dawn. Younger people had just got out of their beds to go to schools and for many this was the first day at their job. Everyone seemed to be up and running. All except a certain young man who he was still sleeping even though his alarm had rung for the third time. As the alarm clock went on once more he reached and tried to hit snooze once more. He moved around his bed trying to reach the clock but it was further than he thought. He tried once more but as he reached to grab it he fell down his bed knocking his head on the wooden floor.
"Ouch!"he screeched as he placed his hand over this head. The alarm clock kept going on without stop and it drove him crazy. He quickly got up on his feet and struck the clock with enough force to break it.
"Oh shoot. I broke another one. Great. "
Just as he finished his sentence the door of his room slowly opened and an elderly woman entered. She was wearing an old green jacket on her yellow dress. She had tied her hair on the back to not get in the way of her glasses. Her eyes were half closed as she had hard time to see even with her glasses. It was difficult to see her brownish eyes. She got in the room holding a white chocolate cake with her both hands and slowly tried to come near the young man.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ryuu, happy birthday to you!" she sang with great effort as she was seen to have trouble standing. Ryuu quickly went over to her and tried to help her. He took the cake and placed it over the desk where the broken alarm was. He then proceeded to help the old lady to sit.
"Ms. Soroka, you shouldn't have done that." said Ryuu as his cheeks slowly turned red.
"You mean reminding you that today is your birthday?"said Ms. Soroka as she cleaned her glasses with a piece of cloth.
Ryuu turned his head around avoiding the question.
"You forgot again, didn't you?"said Ms. Soroka as she placed her glasses back on.
"It's just another day. There's nothing special about it."he said as he sat down on his bed.
"It's your sixteenth birthday, not another common day you dumbass."she said with her face turning red.
"Language." he said with a tone of irony.
"Oh for God's sake just tell me that you're at least going to do something fun tonight."she said holding her head and nodding at the same time.
"Yeah, coming home, cooking and getting you to bed. What's more fun than that."he said as he got up again and started tidying up his bed.
"Ryuu please, go out for once, have a good time. You can explode a building for all I care but have some fun."said the old lady as she stood up.
Ryuu turned around and laughed.
"We need to work on your definition of fun Ms. Soroka. Anyway, I really should get dressed or I'll be late for school. "said Ryuu as he got out from the closet a red shirt and put it on.
Ms. Soroka looked the desk the remains of the broken alarm clock were and slowly started waking towards the exit.
"You better hurry up a bit. The bus is already gone."she said as she got out of the room.
"What?"said Ryuu as he looked for his phone on his bed.
When he found it he opened it to see what time it is. It was 8:10 am. His jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes felt like their were going in his face.
"Oh no!"he screeched with all his might.
What's wrong?"yelled Ms. Soroka in response.
Ryuu started throwing his clothes off his closet trying to find what to wear.
"I'm going to be late and today we start the exams for the first semester."he yelled back to Ms. Soroka.
Ryuu wasted no time. He went into the bathroom inside his room and washed his face. He looked at the mirror to see if he was ok. His face was clean but his washed again his brown eyes once more. He brushed his teeth and at the same time tried to brush his black short hair. He then put some water in his hands and fixed his hair.
"Oh well."he thought to himself as he saw his image to the mirror. He quickly grabbed his school uniform and wore his black pants he got out of the red shirt he wore and put on a white one that had written on the back Komae High with capital letters. He tied his shoes, grabbed his notes and books and shoved them inside his bag. He run towards the exit but before he left he caught a quick glimpse of his room. It was a total mess. Clothes were lying all over the place, the cake of Ms. Soroka fell down the edge of his bed and his desk was in no better shape.
"Um, Ms. Soroka? Don't clean my room today. I'll do it when I'm back."yelled Ryuu and run down the stairs outside his door. He turned around to a small hall and got into the kitchen. Ms. Soroka was holding a small lunch bag for him. He grabbed it and kissed her forehead before he got out of the house.
"Don't you want to know what I got you for your birthday?" said Ms. Soroka as Ryuu got out of the house.
Ryuu slowly turned around glimmering with hope for something good.
"Please be a laptop, please be a laptop."he thought to himself.
"A new alarm clock."she said as she then burst onto laughter.
Ryuu stormed off trying to restrain himself from saying something bad.  Besides he didn't have time to make remarks. He had to run as fast as he possibly could or a rough day would be ahead of him. He kept running on the pavement but so many people were outside going their separate ways that he didn't have space to move. He reached a small crossroad ahead of him and managed to catch his breath again. If this kept happening he wouldn't reach school in time. He looked around trying to spot a taxi or even a bus nearby but he was down on his luck. Suddenly he saw something. An old park ahead of him.
"If I go through there I should be able-"he stopped talking mid sentry and got his phone out. It was 8:17. He run towards the park not minding the passing cars at the crossroad. He run as fast as he could and entered the old park. He run straight ahead it leaping over small logs that had fallen down, jumping over rocks at the lots of lakes that there were there and even trying to avoid the many trees that stood there like guardians of the park. He quickly made to the middle of the park that the biggest and oldest tree of the entire park was. So magnificent and gorgeous that he stopped for a second to admire its beauty and catch his breath. He placed himself on the tree for a while to rest. He remained silent not to spend his valuable breaths. That allowed him to hear the sounds of the animals that resided on the park. He felt peace for a moment but he had to keep running and within an instant he run again. This time faster than before as he felt rejuvenated from his halt at the park. Within a matter of minutes reached the exit of the park and found himself two blocks away from the high school. He got his phone out once more only to discover that he had five minutes left. No matter how fast he would run he knew he wouldn't make it on time. He looked around again and saw with the side of his eye and abandoned bicycle lying there.
"Oh yeah!" he screamed and run towards it.
He quickly sat on it and started riding it down the small downhill. The bike's petals caught fire and Ryuu kept going faster and faster. He felt relieved for a bit. He knew the momentum would carry him to the school entrance and he would still have a minute to spare. He closed his eyes for a second trying to relax but as he opened them he was about a hundred meters away from the school entrance. As he was ready to press the breaks he realized why the bike was abandoned. The breaks were busted.
"Oh come on. You have to be kidding me now!"he yelled at his bad luck.
He was so focused at the breaks that he didn't realize that a young girl was crossing the road. He looked up once again and saw the girl waking across the road holding some books.
"Hey get out of the way!" he screamed at her.
The girl looked at who he was shouting at her and saw Ryuu coming right at her with extreme speed. She didn't have time to move. Ryuu pressed the breaks harder but they weren't working at all. He saw that there was no time for the girl to get out of the way.
"Arghh, screw this!"he said as he stretched his legs and tried to halt the bike with them.
A few centimeters were standing in the way of Ryuu hitting the girl.
"Aaaaaaaa!"yelled both of them as they were afraid.
The bike didn't stop but got out of the way hitting a lamp down the street. Ryuu on the other hand jumped off the seat of it and landed on the girl causing her to fall down. Her books fell down too and the papers she was holding were scattered through the air. Ryuu slowly stood up and looked at the girl. Fortunately she didn't have any marks or wounds at all. He then checked himself and with the exception of his head banging like crazy he was fine.
"I'm so so sorry for what happened. Are OK? Are you hurt?"he said as he tried to help her get up.
She didn't accept Ryuu's help and got up on her own. She shook her red metallic hair and then she tried to tie them. Ryuu looked the books and the papers laying down and quickly picked them all up.
"Here, let me pick these up for you."
He also found a pair of round glasses with a thick black skeleton. The girl grabbed her stuff with force. She wore back her glasses after she cleaned them and covered with them her blue eyes that reminded Ryuu of the ocean. Ryuu took a closer look at what she was wearing and realized that she was wearing his school uniform. White skirt that covered the knees and white shirt with blue lining at the neck.
"Hey, we go to the sa-"
"Can you please shut your mouth for a second?"said the girl with a strict tone.
"Look I'm sorry for what happened."said Ryuu. He felt irritated that she didn't let him finish what he was saying.
"I don't care. Now! If you excuse me, I need to be somewhere."she said and left. She walked opposite to where Ryuu was going.
"Hey wait, school's that way."he said but the girl didn't seem to care.
"You know what, do what you will. Sorry for trying to help"he yelled at her but she still didn't seem to care.
"Yeesh. Talk about a bit-"
Ryuu's words were stopped by a familiar sound. He quickly turned around and looked at the school. The bell had rung. He started running like a maniac.
"Oh come on now. "he said as he sprinted.
He managed to enter the school before the janitor closed the gates but as he stepped inside the school an old woman with black hair tied up, wearing a formal black dress and a face full of wrinkles was sitting there waiting for him.
"Mr. Makai, late yet again."
"Ms. Itami. Look I find it sweet that you are waiting me every day but I'm afraid that the other teachers might get the wrong idea about us."said Ryuu with sarcasm on his voice.
"Charming."she said clearly displeased.
"Yeah I know am."he said once more trying to go to his class unnoticed by Ms. Itami.
"I'm afraid that this won't save you from detention Mr. Makai. I'll be expecting you after class. Good day to you."she said and left with a smile on her nasty face.
"Yeah."he whispered.
"Good-fricking-day."he said as he walked towards the school building.

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