Light The Spark!

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Ryuu tried to open his eyes a bit. His blurred vision didn't allow his to see very well. All he could see is that he was moving. He could feel someone dragging him along.  He looked around him, trying to see where he was moving to and who he was carrying him. He turned his head around and saw a blurred figure with familiar red hair. He understood that it was Asuka that held him from faling down. He tried to moveon his own but the pain soursed through his body like electricity. He gasped with agony as he grabbed tightly her arm as he fell down on his knees.
"Hey, don't do anything rush. You're badly wounded."said Asuka as she tried to help him get up.
Asuka gave him ger hand. He looked at her with his eyes screaming from pain and his breathy becoming more and more heavy. He reached for her hand ans slowly got up. The blood from his wound was drippingand stained his white shirt. Asuka saw that and tried to touch it. As she placed her hand over Ryuu's wound he screamed from the tremendous pain he felt.
"Aaaargh!"he yelled as he almost passed out again from the shock.
"There is no way you can move like that. We need to take care of it."said Asuka and looked around for a place for them to rest a bit.
There were both in the middle of an empty corridor with no doors or classes for them to stay. Asuka tried to walk down the corridor a bit more hoping she'd find a place to rest. Ryuu couldn't move from the sheer feeling of the pain. His could sense his shattered bones move inside his body. He fell on his knees, having aa hard time to breath. His heart was pounding like crazy inside his chest as if it tried to escape. Asuka quickly leveled with him and placed her hands around his face.
"Hey look at me."said Asuka to a disoriented Ryuu that kept looking left and right eith no particular focus.
"Hey Ryuu wasn't it? Look we need to move. We need to go somewhere safe. Once we do that I'll try and patch you up ok?"said Asuka with a calm and collected voice.
Ryuu looked deep into her eyes. Her blue eyes barely moved around as if she didn't feel fear. He on the other hand. His breath short, fast heavy, his hands shaking like hell, his eyes couldn't focus even for a second. The longer he gazed into her soothing blue eyes he felt his mind focusing. He slowly calmed down and nodded to her in agreement. He tried to stand up with great effort. His entire body was shaking but that didn't stop him from trying. Asuka tried to help him stand. She grabbed his hand and placed it around her head and slowly both of them walked down the aisle. They managed to reach the school cafeteria. Asuka flipped a tabled around and placed Ryuu gently down. She looked around searching for sings of the Gaki following them or even be near them. Once she made it sure that they weren't followed she turned over to Ryuu and looked him. He had become pale and the blood coming out of his wound wouldn't stop. Ryuu himself struggled breathing. The pain was too much for him to handle. Asuka slowly turned him over and looked at the wound at his back. The cut was deeper than he thought. Asuka gulped and looked at Ryuu.
"Alright. Not going to lie. What I'm about to do probably will hurt..... A lot!"said Asuka as she placed her hands over his open wound.
Around her hands an aura started forming. The white aura entered Ryuu's open wound.
"What are you doing?"said Ryuu while clenching his fist as powerful as he could.
"Your bones are broken on the inside. I'm going to create a vacuum between them and force them together. This should last for a couple of hours until you get to a doctor."said Asuka while trying to focus.
Ryuu tried to remain still as that went on. The bones moving inside of him made him want to scream but he tried to keep silent on a try to keep their position secret. Asuka kept waving her hands around for a sew seconds until the wound closed a bit. She then paced both her hands directly above his wound and closed her eyes. A burning sensation started bothering Ryuu.
"What are you doing?"he asked as he tried to hide his pain.
"I'm need to catteries the wound to avoid any infection. It's going to sting."said Asuka as she squeezed the wound with her hands tightly.
The aura around her hands slowly covered Ryuu's wound like stitches. Ryuu screamed due to the excruciating pain he felt.
"Oh God!"he screeched with all his might.
His tried to control his breathing but the sensation of the burn made him suffer. He kept breathing fast for a bit but after a while he managed to calm down a bit.
"The pain will subside in about 10 minutes. Once you feel better get out of here and try to find a hospital. What I did won't last for long."she said and got up ready to leave him.
"Wait, where are you going?"said Ryuu as he grabbed her by the hand.
"This thing roams around here somewhere. I need to find him before he finds someone else to eat."she said as she freed herself.
"So, what he said about Mr. Hibachi and Ms. Itami was true?"said Ryuu as he lowered his eyes to the bloodstained floor.
Asuka stayed silent for a minute. She looked at Ryuu's look of despair and sat down next to him.
"When you got out of the class I tried to find you."said Asuka as Ryuu slowly turned to her and watched her.
"You knew what that thing was?"said Ryuu with a weak tone.
"The monster can shapeshift. I knew it was someone from the school, I didn't know it was him."said Asuka as she slowly turned his eyes to the ground.
"I searched all morning but I didn't found who it was. I realized it had to be someone from detention. That's when you started babbling about how Mr. Hibachi was all different and that's when it hit me."she said as she looked to Ryuu.
"At one point I thought it was you but, you were far too annoying to be it."she said as both chuckled for a bit.
The moment felt a bit refreshing as both laughed with each other. After a bit Ryuu stopped laughing and checked his wound. The pain was gone and he could move around freely. He slowly stood up to check his back. He could walk with no problem.
"You are better."said Asuka as she got up too.
"Yeah, feels better too."said Ryuu as he moved around a bit.
"Good, now get away from the school."said Asuka and turned her back on Ryuu.
Asuka started walking away from where they both were.
"I'm not going anywhere."said Ryuu with a strong and firm voice.
Asuka stopped walking and rolled her eyes over as she turned around to face Ryuu. She walked to Ryuu's side again. But this time she seemed annoyed.
"I told you that what I did to you won't last for long. Besides the Gaki is still somewhere around here and I can't let him do anything to you or anyone else."said Asuka as she came closer and closer to Ryuu.
"Yeah well I don't care!"said Ryuu as he crossed his arms together.
Asuka stood on front of him.
"If he finds you, you'll die. You will leave this place and go to a hospital."said Asuka with a strict tone.
"Not going anywhere."said Ryuu and started walking past Asuka.
Asuka saw him leaving. She grabbed him by the shirt and forced him on to a wall.
"What the heck is wrong with you. Do you have some kind of death wish. I'm telling you if he finds you, he'll kill you!"she yelled at him with passion.
Ryuu stayed silent and just looked her in the eyes. His eyes didn't waver. His look was calm and focused. Asuka saw his eyes and stepped back with her eyes wide open.
"You.... You really do want to die!"said Asuka with a look of surprise.
Ryuu walked off the wall and walked Asuka eye to eye.
"I already died once. And what happened to Mr. Hibachi, his family, Yohiro, Ms. Itami. I'm not letting this happen to anyone else. I'm not letting another one die!"he said a slight breeze of hot wind was felt through the entire room.
Asuka looked at his eyes and saw this brown eyes turn red for a brief second. She blinked and looked closer to his eyes but the brownish color of his eyes was back.
"What was that?"she thought to herself.
She looked at Ryuu that was standing there serious and still like a statue. She seemed reluctant to say anything. But both their thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming just outside the cafeteria. A growl-like sound was heard just outside the door and both of them quickly took cover. The both hid under the table they used before and stood still as well as silent. The Gaki slowly entered the room with his claws marking each of his steps and his tongue drooling all over the floor.
"Come out come out where ever you are."said the Gaki while trying to intimidate them.
Asuka looked above the table while Ryuu was whispering to her.
"So what do we do?"said Ryuu with his voice as lowered as possible.
Asuka looked at him with an intense look.
"We do nothing. You'll stay here and I'll draw it away from here."said Asuka with a strict tone.
"I already to-"tried to say Ryuu before he was interrupted mid sentence.
"Tell me, can you do what u did to that thing?"said Asuka with her eyes pinned to his lips waiting for a response.
"Well n-"Ryuu was interrupted again.
"No, exactly! So instead of trying to play the hero you're going to stay put here and you'll wait until I draw it away from here. Once I do that you'll run and you'll go find yourself a hospital. Did I made myself clear?"said Asuka with the tone of her voice slightly raised.
Ryuu day silent under the table and said nothing. Asuka saw that that he didn't react and was ready to talk to him once again but the Gaki started talking again.
"You know if you come out now I can spare you the torture and kill you fast. Just like I did to that bitch Itami."said the Halifax as he jumped over to a table.
Ryuu and Asuka looked at each each other. Ryuu's eyes were blazing with hate for that thing. His could feel his blood boiling.
"I would take my time killing her like I usually do but she wouldn't stop talking about that Ryuu kid. She bore me to death so I killed her,as fast as I could. I have to say she tasted better than I expected."said the Gaki with his tongue wiping all of his jaw.
Ryuu was about to reveal himself to him but Asuka stopped him before he did anything. She looked at him and nodded him to stay down. She quickly jumped out of the flipped table that they were hiding and faced the hideous monster.
"Oh. You know, for a second I thought you were a boy."said the Gaki as his words were followed with a sudden burst of laughter.
Asuka stood at the top of the table, looking at the disfigured creature slowly moving towards her.
"Is that the best you had to say?"said Asuka with a tone if irony.
The Gaki clawed over to her side slowly as it wanted to take his time.
"Where is the boy, witch? Where's that sweet, small piece of flesh that I want to devour."said the Gaki as he drooled all over the place he walked on.
"Somewhere safe."said Asuka trying to cover Ryuu.
Ryuu tried to stay silent and not give away his location. Thus time he could control his breathing and stayed cool.
"Why are you lying to me? I can smell his blood. He is still here."said the Gaki as it dangerously reached closer to Asuka.
Asuka clenched her fist tightly on the side.
"If you can smell him why ask me?"said Asuka as she slowly walked towards him.
The Gaki licked the blood stains from the floor and it walked up to her.
"Where's the fun in that?"said the Gaki and then proceeded to laugh maniacally.
Asuka took a big breath as she clenched her fists. Her vains pumped vlood so fast they could be seen. The white aura reappeared covering Asuka's entire body. From her red mettalic hair to her worn out shoes. Her curled hands , covered by the aura, started shining.
"Oh, hahahaha, have you hunted a lot of my kind?"said the Gaki as it slowly walked and scratched his way to Asuka.
Asuka raised her hands and exhaled a deep breath.
"There's a first time for everything. Kaze No Kawa."she yelled as a huge gust of wind exploded from her hands to the Gaki.
The Gaki leaped across the room, with hsi claws ready to ear apart Asuka's flesh. The gust blasted away all the tables it found on its way, breaking the walls of the cafeteria.
"Show me witch, show me more."screached the Gaki as it leaped over to Asuka.
His jaws open tobiteher, his claws ready to tear her apart. Asuka took a big breath and exhaled on the Gaki.
"Kaze No Judan!"she said as she exhaled. 
 A wind projectile blasted the Gaki away from her. She jumped down from the table and run towards him. Ryuu peeked over the table he took cover and saw what was unraveling before his eyes. Asuka and the Gaki fighting each other. The gust of wind that Asuka releashed shattering the glass windows around them, the tables flipping all over the place, the walls fell on themselves from the sheer power of the hits. The Gaki took every single hit and kept crawling around her waiting for th right time to attack her. With his claws he cut in half everything Asuka sent his way. His body took the hit of the fierce wind of Asuka but it kept regenerating like crazy. His tongue catching all the debris itcould and threw them at Asuka. She tried to avoid most of them and blew the rest away. Ryuu felt his heart pumping. His skin shivering, his eyes glowing, his breath was light and collected. His head focused on the batlle in front of him. He looked at Asuka fighting. Her movements, her speed, her calm and focused mind. It was obvious she had fought again but he could see something was different. The aura around her shined less with each passing moment. The Gaki on the other hand was swift and could easily avoid every hit Asuka threw at him. His tongue threw back at Asuka everything he could find around him.
"You're a strong one. Oh, I like you."said the Gaki as he licked himself.
Asuka tried to catch her breath. The constant attacks of the Gaki tired her. Her aura slowly vanished from around her.
"Damn it -huff- I'm drained -huff-"she said as she fellon her knees.
Her breathing became hard and her aura slowly vanished. The Gaki laughed as he saw her standing there.
"You fought bravely. I did not expect a young girl to be such a fighter but you knew i had the advantage. You've never fought somethinglike me."said the Gaki as it placed its tongue around Asuka's neck and raised her up in the air, slowly struggling her. Asuka had a hard time breathing and tried to fight back. Ryuu watched her and tried to sneak around the Gaki. The Gaki slowly moved around the cafeteria or whatever was left of it and drooled all over the floor.
"You know, it was fun battling you but you can never beat me in full power."he said as he squeezed harder on her neck.
Asuka tried to talk but no sound could come out of her mouth.
"What's that?"said the Gaki as it loosened his tongue on her.
"Full -argh- power?"struggled Asuka to say.
"Oh yes. You see, us Gakis, we get our strenght from the flesh we eat. The longer we have to eat the less powerful we become. We turn primitive, we can barely talk. But if we are full then,hahahahaha, oh you can imagine what happens!"said the Gaki as he brought Asuka closer to him and laughed like crazy.
Asuka tried tomove but she felt her limbs going nunb. Her breath became weak and her eyes slowly closed.
"No!"yelled Ryuu as he jumped out of his hiding with his voice filled with passion.
The Gaki turnedaround tosee him and let loose of Asuka. Asuka had fallen down and breathed fast trying to regain her full power. She had hard time breathing. Her neck had bruises from the Gaki's grip.
"You idiot, I told you to run!"yelled Asuka at Ryuu with all her might.
"Hahahahaha. You surely are stupid."said the Gaki as he turned to Ryuu.
"Leave her. Eat me."said Ryuu and walked to him.
The Gaki brought his tongue close to Ryuu and licked him sending shivers down to Ryuu's spine. He walked around Ryuu smelling him just like an animal would. His tongue drooled all over the debris of the cafeteria. He placed his claws upon him and brought him closer to his drooling tongue. Ryuu didn't flinch. He had controlled his breathing and calmed himself down.|
"Why do you want to die now?"asked the Gaki while standing upon him.
"Because, she is the only one who can beat you."said Ryuu while smiling.
Asuka looked at him with her eyes wide open. The Gaki laughed at what he heard and brabbed Ryuu by the neck.
"Oh can she now?"whispered the Gaki at Ryuu's ear.
"Yeah, yeah she can."said Ryuuas she winked at Asuka.
Asuka had already stood up and raised her hands in the air withher white aura surrounding her faintly.
The Gaki laughed at the sight of Asuka trying to stay up. He brought Ryuu closer to him and then looked at Asuka.
"Go ahead witch. Kill me if you dare. Let's see if you are willing to kill him too to get to me."said the Gaki laughing.
Asuka slowly lowered he hands but a firm yell from Ryuu.
"Asuka, do it!"yelled Ryuu as he opened his arms.
Asuka wavered. She stood still because she didn't know what to do.
"Oh, aren't you a brave little one?"he said as he licked him.
"Ryuu get out of the way!"yelled Asuka to him.
"You won't get another chance like this Asuka."said Ryuu with his raised voice.
Asuka started shaking. 
"Finish it now."yelled the Gaki trying to mess with Asuka 
Asuka closed he eyes and concetrated her aura to her fingertips. She gritted her teeth together and started breathing rapidly.
"Come on! Do it!"said the Gaki with his yellow eyes shining from excitement.
Asuka screamed frustrated as she lowered her hands and vanquished her aura. The Gaki threw Ryuu on the side and leaped over to Asuka. 
"I knew you couldn't do it."said the Gaki with its claws ready to cut apart Asuka.
Ryuu saw Asuka standing there and knew that she didn't have time to fight back. He got up and screamed at the Gaki as loud as he could.
"No!"he screamed on top of his lungs.
Ryuu's scream turned into a shockwave that blasted the Gaki out of the school building, not just the cafeteria, with tremendous force. Asuka looked at Ryuu with surprise on her eyes. Ryuu looked at himself but couldn't believe it either. Asuka managed to speak a few words without being stopped by her surprise.
"You, you have magic?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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