Part Two: Rebel Scum

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"Rocket (Rock-et)" Belongs to Def Leppard.

I opened my closet and entered. My black camo-suit lay strung up on the wall, right where I left it. I grabbed the garment and held it in front of me. After it had failed in the death battle against Sodom, I didn't completely trust it. Nahkt said that he fixed the flaws, but you never know... Hopefully it wouldn't malfunction like that ever again.

Of course, if the suit did go wrong, it would have to be at the precise moment when I was reliant on it the most. It always did seem the things I trusted would betray me when I needed them the was as if I was in some sort of movie, or story book...hmm....

I removed my outer clothes and stepped into the suit. The feel of the fabric against my skin brought back memories--both good and bad. Memories of my past home and family, and thoughts of pain and suffering...

After that, I searched for a hidden compartment in the wall. My fingers fumbled around for a latch. My hand grasped onto it, and it clicked open. The drawer contained my battle armor. I slipped on my gear. The metal was lightweight. I slipped my wrist daggers on over my forearms. After adjustment, I decided to check and see if they still worked. I clenched hands together into tight fists.

In a split second, the blades drew out, exposing their gnarly teeth in the silvery light. They definitely still worked. I tapped it with my finger. The crooked dagger easily cut my skin, causing a few droplets of blood to ooze. The blades were still good as new.

I retracted the daggers. There was one last item left in the compartment. The storage box contained a sheet of black fabric. I picked it up and unfolded the velvety cloth. Laying inside was my hunting mask. It was still just as beautiful as the day Nahkt gave it to me. I rubbed my fingers over the pristine metal, turning it around in my hands.

I held it up to my face and pressed it against my skin. It attached itself and made a hissing noise as the pressure equalized. After that, I quickly switched through the different visions. Infrared, Gamma, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, and Night vision. They all worked perfectly well.

Now that I was suited up, it was time to go against direct orders and join Nahkt on his little "quest".

I hope this works...

I pressed the button on my palm. A brisk, chilling sensation started in my hands and feet. In a matter of moments, I was almost completely invisible. I stepped out of my room and into the hallway.

I took great care in making sure every step I took was silent. The corridor was creepy enough, almost always quiet as a grave. I stopped when I reached Nahkt's quarters. The door was left open. I peeked into the room.

Nahkt was inside, and he meant business. He wore a set of hunting armor over a tight-fitting mesh suit. A black bandana was strung around his neck displaying the mark of the clan. The symbol was a white Yautja skull design with two, bright green, jagged streaks running across. It was pretty awesome looking.

Laying in his hands was his Plasmacaster. He appeared to be polishing it with a cloth. After he was finished, he nicked it with his finger, causing a pinging noise to echo through the room. After that, he slung the weapon over his shoulder and adjusted it so it wouldn't fall off. Nahkt reached into the cabinet in front of him. He pulled out his hunting mask.

Following Nahkt's "promotion", he forged himself a new Bio-mask. The overall shape of it was much more elaborate. The jaw-lines were broad and sharp, the eyeholes slim and menacing. A decorative design was engraved along the left side of the metal shell to match the tattoos on his face. In the center of the forehead was a horn about 4 inches long. It curved upwards and almost resembled that of a Rhinoceros. It appeared sharp enough to tear through flesh.

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