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Hello! So I want to clarify some details before we start this interrogation- I mean questionnaire.

So let's just say we're doing this in the Cave. (Red Arrow, Zatanna and Rocket included yay!) Yes, yes, it was blown up, but it makes things so much simpler. Example: If we were in the Watchtower we'd have all the other Leaguers to deal with me, and we can't have that. Don't worry, they'll be a storyline for that up shortly. And remember, requests are always open and welcome until further notice.

I really don't want to explain all the characters, but I will do it on request if necessary.

To ease further confusion, the prominent ships are made by putting the two people's mission names together. So whereas you may know some ships as differently, I may know them as how I write it. Also in here, Wally is "brought" back, but Artemis is still Tigress.

That's all!



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