Day 1:

28 0 1

"Write a story using 7 randomly generated words."

My words are: Funeral, Planning, Minute, Fair, Cafe, Evil, Bible


The Reclusion


"L-Luciel.. passed away..?" I responded through the phone with a nervous tone. "Yes... It happened two weeks ago... He was walking home from a fair, but has since never been seen again." Jaehee, my best friend responded. I was gobsmacked. The two weeks that he has been missing, I never lost hope. I've been a very optimistic person ever since my childhood. Now a 21 year old adult woman, I still am. I never expected Luciels life to end like this... So sudden...

"Y/N? .... Y/N?!" Jaehee worriedly started yelling into the phone. "Y-yeah, sorry I was dozing off for a bit. I'm here." I responded.

"Alright, tomorrow is Saturdays right?" Jaehee asked. "Yes! How could you not know?!" I said with a slight giggle. "I've been working over until at least dawn every day, I feel like some sort of hobo." Jaehee said, sighing at the end. "But alright-" she continued: "I think we should meet up at Gerry's tomorrow with the rest. We need to discuss.. Funeral matters.." "I agree, 1 pm?" I asked. "Okay, I'll message the others." Jaehee quickly responded. And so we made a planning to meet in the cafe.

*Sunday at Gerry's*

I arrive at the cafe and see Jaehee, Jumin, Zen and Yoosung sitting at our usual spot, on the nice and cozy couch in the left corner of the cafe. "I see everyone's here already?" I ask with a gentle smile. "Yes! So what's this last minute meeting about?" I sat down with a pale face and started talking.

At our third RFA party, we noticed paranormal things were happening at the house. So after researching a bit more into it, we decided to broaden our experiences in the paranormal field. For the last few months, we've been visiting abandoned hospitals and trying to communicate with spirits.

"So, something about Sevens death is off to me. I have no idea what exactly happened to him, but one thing is for sure: he'd never wander off all on his own." I say with a determined look on my face. "I assume you mean there's something paranormal happening here?" Jumin asks. I ran my hands through my long brown as I averted my gaze to the ground. "I think so... Remember the last haunted place we went to?" I asked. "That abandoned hospital?" Jumin asked. "Yes, wasn't Seven with us then?" Jaehee asked. Yoosung and Zen nervously gazed at eachother. As the silence crept up around our table, Jumin noticed the seemingly nervous Yoosung and Zen. "Yoosung? What is it?" Jumin asked. "I-... Something happened back then." Yoosung responded, looking at Zen. "When Seven, Yoosung and I split up from the group, we found this very weird room hidden behind a curtain. As we went in, we saw candles, chandeliers and various sorts of fancy furniture standing in the room. In the middle was a Ouija board... the dumb and naive idiots we are, we decided to use it." Zen said, averting his gaze away from the rest in shame. Yoosung continued: "Seven decided to be the medium... And well... We made contact." The rest of us looked at her in shock. "W-with what?" Jaehee asked reluctantly. "It called itself Valak." Zen responded. "On first note, we were gobsmacked that it actually worked. Yoosung even wanted to break of communication.." Zen said. "But Seven wanted to continue, something about the shadow world seemed intriguing to him." Zen continued. "Oh no... You didn't-" "Get a curse? Yes we did." Zen interrupted you. "B-but how?! And what??" Jaehee asked hesitantly. "After Seven asked her what she's doing here, the demon said it wanted to find pure soul to consume with evil. Seven provoked the demon and... I-...." Yoosung tried to say with tears building up in his eyes. "It possessed him..." Zen said quietly.."

We were all yet again, shocked.
"So you dare to contemplate the cause of Sevens passing is... A demon?" Jumin said with slight scepticism. "There is only one way to find out..." I said.

*3 am, old abandoned road (Seven last seen)*
"Why did we decide to do this.." Yoosung said, trembling by the anxiety and cold. "Feeling a bit cold?" Jumin asked with a smile. He always loved to tease Yoosung, but Jaehee thought differently. "Here, take my jacket." she says, handing his jacket to the shaking blond boy. "Nahww, some cute things are blossoming up here" Jumin says with a smile. This timing of humour slightly agitating me. "Alright shall we continue?" I say sternly. We all walked to a nearby lamp post and decided to brainstorm. "So is there anything that makes the disappearance more logical?" I ask. "Well, Seven was a Christian... He used to carry around his bible all the time." Jaehee answered. "But how would that fall in place with his disappearance?" Zen asked. "Christians are firm believers in the spirit world." I answered. "Well, I have some candles in my backpack, how about trying to summon that demon?" Zen says with determination. Even though Zen manages to do this in a succesfull and safe way, we don't really support the idea of summoning the demon that might've killed Seven. But eventually we all agreed. We sat down in a circle, lit the candles and Zen started the ceremony. "I am calling out to the spirit world. I ask for the demon Valak to step forward." He chanted. We all waited in suspense, but nothing happened. "Valak? Are you here? Give us a sign!" Zen continued. We were all slowly getting nervous, I notice that especially Yoosung is starting to falter under the suspense. And yet again, no response. "GIVE US A SIGN!" Zen yelled, but was interrupted by a loud dark scream. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I screamed in fear. And then we saw her... The demon. She was dressed like a nun, with various tears in her clothing. Slowly she crept up from the shadows and walked closer towards us, showing her rotten and blackened teeth.. That is when I noticed it.

She was holding Sevens bible.

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