Day 6

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"Write a story about one of your biggest fears happening to one of the characters."

My fear: Getting lost in the forest.


Seven's POV:
It was 7 am and I decide to get out of my bed to work. I grab a bag of Honey Buddha chips and walk towards my laptop. But then the worst thing ever happens...

All my data- was lost?! "Oh no- oh no- OH NO!" I start screaming out loud, clicking and typing, hoping find at least a byte of data. But sadly I get nothing.

Out of frustration, I drop myself back on my bed and open up the messenger for distraction. I notice that Yoosung is online:

Seven: YOOSUNG;;

Yoosung: Seven! Hey!

Seven: I lost all my data;;;;

Yoosung: lolol of what?

I get frustrated by his answer and decide to call him. After just 2 seconds, he answers. "Hey Se-" "ALL THE DATA ON MY LAPTOP! EVERYTHING-IS-GONE!!" I interrupt him, yelling like a kid that lost his lolly. "C-calm down Seven! I'll come to your place with food!" Yoosung reluctantly says through the phone. I grin at the cuteness of this scene, thank him and hang up.

Not much later I hear the doorbell ring, I listen closely to how Yoosung fails, yet again, at the Arabic password and manually open the door. "Hey Seven!" Yoosung says, shoving 3 bags of Honey Buddha chips in my face. We both sit down on my bed, open two bags and start eating. After a short talk Yoosung concluded, "So... Basically all the work you've ever done... Is for nothing?" "Ya... There is no way to retrieve the lost data... All those sleepless nights, moments of socializing I could've participated in... Forever missed opportunities.." I say, slowly tearing up. As I try to contain my crying, I feel two arms embracing me, as a loving and warm hug. Yoosung looks me straight in the eyes and says, "It's okay Seven. I got an idea! Why don't we take a short walk in that nearby forest? It'll be a fun activity together and you'll get a bit of relaxation." I slightly blush, which he notices and responds to with a wink, making me blush even more.

Without speaking, we both leave the house and walk to the forest.
We've been walking around the forest, having deep conversations for over 2 hours now. I enjoyed it so much, I even opened up about my emotions towards him. His reaction... Was just the cutest. I notice I start blushing again and look away from Yoosung. "Hey Seven?" Yoosung asks. Shit! I think he noticed me blushing..
I slowly avert my gaze towards his shoes, still too embarrassed to look at him. "I-It's not what it seems! I-I'm not-" he interrupts me by holding his finger against my lips while making a "shh" sound. "No Seven, I feel the same." He says, after which he slowly moves his face closer to mine. Just when we were about to close off the space between our mouths, I feel a sharp pain in my arm. We both startle and look at my arm. A gigantic spider was on it, biting on my arm. I immediately panic, slapping towards my arm and swinging the spider away. I grab my arm out of pain and lock my eyes with Yoosungs. "Are you okay?" He asks staring at me with puppy eyes. I blush again, "Ya I'm fine. Let's just go back home, at least there the spiders don't try to bite me." Yoosung nods in agreement and we both start walking, when we suddenly simultaneously stop in our tracks. We both look at eachother with a nervous and scared glance. I just know we both think the same. We're lost in the forest.

I-I don't know what to do?! How will we ever get home?? We both left our phones at your place!" Yoosung says panicked. I grab and hold him in my arms, calming him down. Let's just walk straight forward and eventually we'll find something we recognize. After about 20 minutes of walking, we see a small wooden cabin. I see a nervous look in Yoosungs eyes. "Should we go and ask for help?" He asks. "I think that would be very sensible." We slowly walk towards the cabin and get confronted by a large wooden door. We both share scared glances after which I knock on the door. The three soft knocks echoed firmly through the fairly quiet forest. But no answer from inside. "Maybe it is abandoned?" Yoosung says. "It could be?" I say, after which I slowly grab the doorknob and turn it. The sounds of the creaking door and our nervous breathing fill the forest. We look at eachother and I notice the fear in Yoosung's eyes. I decide to go in first, and I feel Yoosung firmly grabbing my arm, seeking protection. We slowly walk inside, only to encounter a completely empty wooden cabin with dust scourging up everywhere. "Well, we got scared of nothing!" Yoosung says relieved. But this feeling of relieve was quickly stabbed down when we heard two hard knocks on the window on the window above the kitchen sink. We both were facing that certain window with our backs, and were both too scared to turn around. "W-what... W-was... That?!" Yoosung says in complete panic. I feel the sweat dripping of my forehead and the tension rise to levels I've never had before. We were both frozen of wear, but quickly woken up by another set of knocks. Unable to stand the tension, we both slowly decide to turn around and are confronted by a shady looking man. He had dark grey hairs, wore a black hood and stared at us with pitch black eyes. For a short moment, all we did was stare at him. Up until we saw his hand raise to the window, in his hand, holding a large butchers knife. "Y-YOOSUNG! RUN!" I say as we both dash out of the door as quickly as possible, we run for about 5 minutes until we decide to catch our breath at a larger tree. "Oh my god... What- and who was that?!" Yoosung says. "I- don't know, all I know is that we have to get out of here." I respond looking at Yoosung, who holds a look of pure fear. "Y-Yoosung?" I ask, gradually getting nervous. But before he could answer, I was shocked with a sharp pain in my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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