Day 4

7 0 0

"Imagine you're unable to leave a room for the next 7 days. Chronicle each of the days, using max. 100 words for each day.


Zen's place=Hell. (JUMINXSEVEN partly)

I've been with RFA for over a year now and enjoyed every single bit of it. Just a moment ago Yoosung called me, saying I have to go to Zen's place immediately. I get dressed and decide to go with the bike, as the weather seems really nice.

A 20 minute bikeride later, I arrive at Zen's place, and meet Yoosung at the door opening. He guides me inside. There, I see Seven and Jaehee sitting on the couch. "Why is everyone here?" "Well we wanted to have a little get together as most of us haven't seen eachother for months." Jaehee said. "Jumin and Zen are on their way by the way." Seven said. Moments later they arrived. We decided to eat breakfast together and watch tv, when suddenly a breaking news came up. "The biggest snowstorm since 1989- -everyone is advised to stay where they are until the snowstorm is over." We heard the news announcer say.

Help me.

Friday, Day 1:
I've been stuck in this house for just 3 hours and already going crazy. Yoosung and Jaehee have gotten themselves comfortable on the couch watching movies, Zen is listening to Jumin's endless rant about Elizabeth 3rd being all alone at his house... That stupid cat has about 6 security guards with her, she is the safest and probably happiest of all of us. Meanwhile Seven and I are stuffing ourselves with whatever junkfood is to be found in this house.

Saturday, Day 2:
Sleep did not exist today... There was too little space and I luckily claimed the bed with Zen and Jaehee, but Yoosung got scared and jumped right on top of me. These people... They make me go crazy.

Sunday, Day 3:
Seven and I ran out of junkfood and joined Yoosung in the movie marathon. Zen locked himself up in the bathroom as Jumin drove him nuts and Jumin is now using Jaehee as his therapist. Poor Jaehee...

Monday, Day 4:
We finally thought that the snowstorm was over, but when Jumin opened the door he was greeted with heaps of snow coming at him. He looked like a cute snowman when he walked back into the living room with the most unamused face ever.

Tuesday, Day 5:
The storm is still. Not. Over!! Poor Jaehee is slamming her head against the wall while Jumin is still talking about that stupid cat. I can't believe she keeps up with him for so long. To make the situation even worse, Yoosung started going all hysterical, crying his eyes out because he's so scared. Why is Seven the only normal one here...

Wednesday, Day 6:
Nevermind what I said yesterday, when I woke up I saw Yoosung all cuddled up and crying against me, so when I got up to see if Seven's doing fine on the couch with Jumin, I noticed they were doing other things than sleeping... Does Jumin Han is gay? Well, for Seven he does. Later in the evening we heard that Zen broke the lock of the bathroom and can't get out.. Great... We can't solve that for as long as we're locked..

Thursday, Day 7:
We were all extremely hungry, cranky and tired. We sat down on the couch, watching another movie, when suddenly the news came up again. The snowstorm was finally over!!! We rushed outside as quickly as possible and enjoyed the fresh air. "Finally!!" Jaehee screams out. I scan around, looking at everyone. I see Yoosung's still crying, Jaehee is lying on the ground laughing of happiness- She really did go crazy... When I looked to my left I saw Jumin and Seven leaving with their hands intertwined. Well that happened... I decide to leave Yoosung crying and Jaehee laughing on their own and head home.

*that same night*
I was lying in my bed, thinking back about the last week of hell. I've seen Yoosung getting a breakdown... Again. I saw Jaehee turning mentally unstable, Jumin and Seven become gay and... Wait. I sat right up out of shock. WE FORGOT ABOUT ZEN!

*at Zen's bathroom*
Zen's POV:
"Guys...? Are you still here?!" I get no response... "NOOOOOOOO!"

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