Day 2

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"Use the sentence 'Her smile wasn't real' somewhere in your story"


Wish You Were Mine (JUMIN POV)

When I walked around the hallways during high school, I used to notice her immediately. Whether it were her long blonde hairs, broad smile with shiny white teeth, or the look of determination and strength in her eyes, I don't know. All I know is she stood out. I noticed her presence immediately and when I did, it felt like my whole world simply paused. It took a week for me to get the courage to even ask for her name. I kept thinking: "Why would a girl like her have any interest in me?" The way I come across to many people is cold, unkind. But I actually am very sincere and kind..
I have had a hard youth with a difficult father, thus it made me put up a shield.

But when I finally did ask her, she introduced herself with the most beautiful name that'd fit with a girl like her. The moment I locked my gaze into hers at that moment, was when I knew for sure, that she was gonna be mine.

We gradually spoke more during our lunch breaks, and eventually she asked me if I wanted to go see a movie. I felt flustered, but every part in me said yes, except for my mouth: I told her I was busy.

Suddenly our casual lunch break conversations turned awkward and silent, and slowly we started speaking less and less. But on the last school day before summer break I decided to be courageous and finally say yes to her question. I was scanning the hallway for her presence, until I noticed those beautiful long strands of hair. But when I scared the rest of her body, I saw her hand was intertwined with another mans hand. That man, with his light blue hair, used to be my best friend...
As she stood there in the hallway, I saw that smile... It wasn't the usual broad smile, nor were her eyes filled with determination anymore. They were filled with pain, agony... I knew that she wasn't happy... Ever since I rejected her. I just knew that her smile wasn't real. But maybe it wasn't her, maybe it was me. Maybe I went through a feeling I can not thoroughly describe, jealousy. Rika, Maybe you were never meant to be mine...

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