city of angels

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Slim fingers ghosted over the words located on their right forearm, the elegant black scrawl written beautifully of the words that would let her know who her soulmate was upon their first meeting. Should she be lucky to ever meet them that is. Some people went their whole lives without locating their soulmate.

Is he bothering you darling?

She sighed, fingers moving back up to pull down her shirt sleeve to hide the scars that marred her wrists as a sudden knocking on her apartment door echoed throughout the apartment. With a heavy sigh, knowing whom it was, Aaron Price walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it to be greeted with one of the few people she could really call a friend. And someone that was normal, unlike herself.

"Ronnie!" the woman exclaimed happily, making her way into the apartment as if she belonged there, which wasn't far from the truth as she visited her reclusive friend frequently. She was a few inches shorter than Aaron naturally at 5'3" but high heels added an extra 3 inches. Blonde, wavy hair bounced as she turned around to stare at her friend, lips pursed in thought as green eyes swept up and down Aaron's form as she closed and locked the door.

"Hello Lisa," Aaron replied, turning around, arms crossed against her chest as she looked at her friend warily. That look meant Aaron was going to be forced to leave her apartment later that evening. "What do you have planned?" she sighed, a defeated yet accepting look on her face knowing that Lisa would win in the end. She usually did. Didn't mean that Aaron didn't put up a fuss.

Pink lips pulled into a pleased grin. "We're going out tonight Ron," she replied, stepping forward and began to pull and tug at the gray sweater that Aaron wore. She tsked. "This won't do. Do you have any club clothes?" she asked as she made her way into Aaron's bedroom, said woman following behind her, albeit at a slower pace.

"You know I don't Lisa, so why ask?"

Clothes were tossed onto either the floor or the bed, Aaron sighing in frustration at having to put them all away again. The closet was almost bare before Lisa stopped, noting that her friend spoke the truth, deciding that this just wouldn't do.

"Well then, we're going shopping!" she smiled only to frown at the look of anger on Aaron's face. "After we clean up of course," she replied meekly.


Aaron blinked at the building before her, the word LUX illuminated in orange lighting as a single line was filed outside it's doors all the way around the corner and for a few blocks. She had heard of the place of course, but never had any desire to go to it. She wasn't much of a party girl like Lisa was but Aaron was the kind of person to indulge a friend's happiness. Besides, it could be fun and she could work on her social skills more that Lisa liked to comment that she sucked at.

"Please tell me that we're not going to spend the night waiting in line," Aaron whined slightly, one hand tugging on the black leather jacket that Lisa had purchased for her to go over the blood red tank top and match the faded black jeans and boots she wore. Lisa wore her little black dress which emphasized her chest and hugged her body like a glove with matching four inch black heels.

Lisa laughed. "Of course not silly!" she replied, grabbing Aaron's hand and dragging her along to the front of the line where the bouncer was, ignoring the protests from the people in line about cutting. Aaron was unable to hear what was said between Lisa and the bouncer over the muffled music as it blared inside the club's walls, but whatever was said worked as next thing she knew, Lisa and her were inside just like that. Alright, maybe Lisa being a party girl wasn't so bad after all if it got them inside one of L.A.'s most popular and hard to get into clubs. She willingly followed after Lisa whom had yet to let go of her hand due to how crowded the place was as she made her way towards the bar where her friend order some drinks from the female bartender, handing one to Aaron once they were served.

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