the surprise date (part 1)

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Aaron was about to get in the shower when there was a sudden knocking on her door. Curious, she peeped through the eye hole to see a delivery boy holding a medium sized package. Unlocking the door, she opened it with a quiet and confused hello.

"Is this the residence of a Ms. Aaron Price?" he asked glancing down at the note he held in his free hand.

"That's me," she stated still confused as she accepted the package that was handed to her and signing for it. The delivery boy wished her a good day, Aaron wishing him one as well as she closed the door and locked it back up. She walked over to her couch sitting the package down and stared at it, teeth biting her bottom lip in nervousness. She hadn't ordered anything as far as she was aware. Oh God. Did she start to sleep shop without knowing it? But...she was curious to know what was inside. And it was addressed to her. And it seemed really fancy due to the box so clothing possibly? She'd have to check her bank account after opening it just to be sure.

With shaky fingers, she pulled the fabric of the ribbon and pulled off the box top, seeing a white note with her name written in familiar elegant red scrawl on top of the pure white sheets hiding whatever was inside. Grasping the note she opened it, lips quirking into a smile as she read it and slightly blushing that she was thought of.

For our second date darling.

Pick you up at six o'clock tonight.

x Lucifer

It had been two weeks since they last saw each other, Lucifer having been busy with Lux and whatever shenanigans he got himself into. The fact that he sent whatever this was meant that he was thinking off her on some level and that made Aaron a bit giddy.

She set the note aside, unable to wait any longer to see what was hidden beneath the packaging sheets. They crinkled as she lifted them off one by one, gasping at was revealed. Inside was a deep red dress. And it was her size. How he knew that, she didn't want to know. (They felt each other up on that movie night, Lucifer with his shirt and jacket opened leaving him bare chested and Aaron with her shirt halfway up due to the angel's wandering hands. Perhaps he guessed from then?)

Either way, the dress was beautiful. She just needed shoes to go with it and for that she needed an expert. Grabbing her cellphone, Aaron scrolled through her contacts for one Lisa Evans, pressing dial once found.

Two rings before she answered. "Hey Lee, I need to go shoe shopping for this dress. Wanna come with?"


After meeting at Aaron's apartment and much cooing over the fancy dress, Lisa dragged said woman out, gushing about how attractive Lucifer was and Ronnie being so lucky to find her soulmate and what sort of shoes would go best with the dress and the makeup had to be perfect, Aaron nodding along with a small smile.

They shopped around for hours until Aaron found two inch red heels that matched her new dress, Lisa having bought a multitude of new shoes and clothes for herself.

"Those are so fuck me heels Ronnie." Lisa grinned as Aaron stuttered.

"Oh my God Lee. You're terrible."

Lisa laughed. "They are. And with that dress? You're just dying to get fucked."

Aaron blushed heavily, palms covering her reddened face, hiding and trying to seem as small as possible. "I am not." Liar, her mind whispered. You want to climb Lucifer like a tree. "He picked the dress for me which is something I would never have chosen to be honest."

"He did?" Lisa whistled approvingly. "That Morningstar has quite the taste. Besides," she slung her arm over Aaron's shoulders, squeezing the blushing woman to her side. "I think you'll look hot as hell."

I think that was the idea Lee.


"Wow," Aaron commented as she looked herself over in the mirror. She had pulled her long, straight black hair over her right shoulder, the fine hair contrasting with the red of her dress that had a slit on the right side from the thigh down, revealing light brown skin to the world, red heels matching the dress. She had minimal make up on, unsure where they were going exactly but wanting to look and feel good if it was something really fancy, which judging by the dress, was quite that in fact. She blew herself a kiss to the mirror, lips bright with the matching red lipstick but subtle.

There was a knock on the door, brown eyes catching the alarm clock that read six, lips pulling into a smile as she knew whom it was. She walked towards her front door, taking a deep breath and smoothing down her dress before unlocking it to see the Devil himself.

He paused with his messing of his cuff links, taking the time to eye Aaron up and down and back up again slowly, lips pulling into a pleased, devilish grin. Aaron got the distinct feeling that he was restraining himself from taking her there and now causing her to blush, Lucifer chuckling lowly as he caught the look on her face. "I see I got the right size for you."

Aaron huffed. "I don't want to know how you know my dress size." She stepped out, grabbing her red clutch that Lisa had gotten her because she "needed to have one, duh" before exiting the apartment, door locking behind her. Lucifer held out his arm to her which Aaron gladly took in her own, head leaning against his shoulder as they headed for the elevator, feeling that constant itch of being antsy finally diminish the moment she touched him after two long weeks. She heard him quietly sigh, guessing that he felt the same thing. If she felt this way now, she hated to see what prolonged distance between them would be like once they bonded fully.

"Where are we going?" she asked, glancing up at him curiously. The thought had been prodding her since she saw the dress.

He glanced down, that familiar grin on his face. "That, my dear, is a surprise."

She pouted causing Lucifer to laugh deeply. "Meanie." She paused. "A good surprise?"

"Well, I certainly think so. Just trust me, my dear," he replied, kissing her forehead.

That's the problem. I do trust you. Something I rarely do with people. But then again, you're not really people are you Fallen One?

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