still breathing (part 2)

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A large map of LA was laid out on the table, John and Aaron standing over it. In his hand, John held a string that was wrapped around a crystal that was swinging back and forth slowly, having been dipped in the blood of the demon that John was lucky to collect from the cross he had used to burn it's face.

"Oh, come on," he muttered, both of them waiting in anticipation for a more general location to begin their search of the demon Niluhr. The crystal slowly began to glow a bright white, nearly blinding them, swinging faster, circling the map. The circle was large at first, but steadily grew smaller landing within ten miles of her apartment after fifteen minutes. The fact that it was nearby was both a relief and unsettling to Aaron. But the sooner they could locate this Niluhr, the better.

It was minutes later that the glowing crystal stopped, landing and sticking to a spot on the map, a building located six miles east from their current residence. Aaron quickly searched up the address on her phone. "Were most of the victims females or males?"

"There was some males but mostly females. Why?"

Aaron tapped the screen, enlarging the picture of the strip club. "Because our demon is here at Slut N Strut. Degrading name but a fine establishment otherwise. For a strip club anyway."

John raised an eyebrow at her in question, in slight disbelief that she had even been there. "Lisa is one of their servers so I spend some time there every now and then." Her eyes widened then, just realizing what she just said. Lisa was working tonight and if the demon was there, then her best friend was in danger, slim chances or not. John, noticing the expression on her face, let go of the string and letting the stone drop to the table, grabbing her hand instead, knowing that if he didn't drag the woman along with him, she'd run off on her own to help keep her friend safe.

After all, Aaron had done some of the same shit when it came to him years ago.


Aaron broke the speed limit at least four times on her way there, making a forty minute trip into fifteen. Every second counted when dealing with a demon on the hunt. Especially when her friend was at the location working, completely unaware of the creatures that came from the darkness. She couldn't help but think that Lucifer would be proud of her breaking the law multiple times.

John was gripping the seat harshly, surprised and a little fearful of his friend's driving, having never seen this side of Aaron before. She was determined to get there before the demon sunk it's claws into someone.

She pulled into the parking lot, throwing the car into park, rushing out of the vehicle quickly, John right on her heels as they headed straight for the doors. She was easily able to bypass the bouncer as he recognized her as Lisa's friend, but he refused to let John in, as he looked too suspicious. Aaron argued with the bouncer that he was with her and that there was an emergency that needed their immediate attention, bouncer disbelieving of the fact but reluctantly let John in, tired of arguing with the woman, knowing if that he threw her out, Lisa would never let him hear the end of it or get him fired. Possibly both.

That took up ten vital minutes of their time, Aaron really feeling the pressure. She would have hyperventilated if it hadn't been for John's reassuring touch on her shoulder, telling her to breathe. She took his advice, inhaling as she closed her eyes and then exhaled, eyes slowly opening as she let herself truly "see," feeling like she was underwater.

She ignored the stares and protests from people as she pushed her way through the crowd, gulping in slight fear as she felt the glares of demons who sensed her piercing stare as their glamour failed before her eyes. If it weren't for John's reassuring and intimidating presence that kept the demons at bay behind her, she would be freaking out right now, feeling so exposed, knowing that demons were aware that she was one with the Sight making her a target for them to torture should they cross paths again.

Aaron caught sight of Lisa out of the corner of her eye, making a quick check to make sure that Niluhr was nowhere near her, sighing in relief as it proved true. Moving on, she glanced at the crowd, sweeping past a group, but quickly back tracked as one man's glamor failed, revealing a cross-burnt cheek, Nihlur finally located. She made a beeline towards the demon, unaware that John got stopped by a few of the strippers roaming the floor, Nihlur turning around and catching her gaze in his own, eyes flashing yellow before taking off, heading towards the back door of the club leading to the alley way.

Aaron followed after the demon, unaware that John was calling after her, nearly running after it. With a shove, she pushed the metal door open, running into the middle of the alleyway, only to see it empty. With a scowl, she turned around to head back inside, and screamed before all went black.


The metal door slammed open once again, John Constantine spotting nothing in the alley way, one hand running through his hair in nervousness and worry.



Lucifer was socializing with the crowd, chatting up the ladies and activities that they could do together later that night when Maze interrupted him. He turned around with a smile, albeit a strained one. "Maze, I'm in the middle of conversing with these lovely ladies." They giggled like schoolgirls as he looked them over with a grin before returning his attention to the demon.

Maze was unimpressed. "There's some guy here wanting to talk to you."

"I'm the life of the party. Of course he would want to talk to me."

Maze rolled her eyes with a sigh. "He says it's very important and that he only wants to talk to you, not a demonic bitch like me. I would have kicked him out but he's very persistent about talking about your pet human."

"The Detective?" he grinned, amused. Maybe he could find out more about Decker and a way to get her to sleep with him.

"No. The other one." Maze made sure to point a finger over his heart, causing Lucifer's grin to drop, expression now one of seriousness. She hated how that little human practically had Lucifer wrapped around her fingers without even knowing it. That Price was worse than his pet Detective. "He's waiting for you by the bar. A John Constantine."

That name certainly caught the Devil's attention. Hadn't Aaron been saved by that man from the asylum?

Lucifer excused himself, the women groaning at their loss, as he followed Maze back to the bar, spotting the man that seemed out of place in his tan trench coat and black suit. Definitely not dressed for a club such as theirs.

"So you're John Constantine. I must say I'm not that impressed," Lucifer began, taking a sip of his glass of scotch.

John looked him up and down, frowning. This was the Devil? He figured he'd be more intimidating, more...he shook his head. That didn't matter now. What mattered was the reason why he was here in the first place. "I need your help," he admitted reluctantly. "I'm looking for a demon named Niluhr."

"What does this have to do with Ms. Price and why should I care?"

John twitched in anger but remained calm. No use in angering the one being who could really help him. "You should care because that blasted demon has her and I don't know where they are," he growled.

That certainly caught Lucifer's attention. Niluhr was up there in the torturing department. Not as good as Mazikeen but he was among the top twenty you could say. And he had Aaron? Oh hell no. That just wouldn't do. No one messed with what is his and got away with it.

Lucifer gripped John by the arm, expression hard. "Tell me everything."

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