Untitled 4

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Title: Untitled 4

Words: 222

AN: This one was a really nice one to write after the Trump one, with the prompt "Brendon Urie + Cake", so thanks Elle for that.

"Ryan, I found a cake," Brendon says, because he found a cake and Ryan should know too because they are friends and Brendon tells his friends everything. Also because Ryan is the only one on the bus and Brendon is bored.

But all Ryan says is, "Cool," and continues reading his fucking lame harlequin novel from Pete.

"Dude, I found a cake, with like, icing and shit." Ryan isn't getting it, Brendon found a fucking cake that wasn't a joke from Gabe Saporta or Bill Beckett. Or Frank Iero.

"Yeah, Bren, that's awesome and all, but I'm fucking busy right now, okay?" Ryan says, and Brendon's a little upset by that blatant dismissal, but leaves anyway.

Maybe Ryland and Alex will cheer him up.

Alex and Ryland do not cheer him up.

In fact, the do the complete opposite, because they take his cake and eat it and don't give him any.

He sighs dejectedly and stumbles right into Jonny Walker, TAI...'s roadie, and Jon looks at him once and then Brendon's getting one of the fabled Jonny Walker hugs (well, Bill called it fabled, but Brendon's not sure 'fabled' is the right word) and he melts like the tiniest bit because wow, Jon's arms are like, the best thing since Spencer Smith and he doesn't feel bad about his cake anymore.

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