Untitled 7

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Title: Untitled 7

Words: 312

A/N: Sorry this is posted later than the other ones, but my computer actually died.

The prompt for this was 'Trading Pokemon Cards on a Train'... and this was birthed from my imagination. Thanks Caleb.

The words echo in Gerard's ears when he opens the door.

And the he freezes. There are giants in this car. Tall giants that Gerard does definitely not want to be around.

"Um sorry," Gerard says, waving the hand with the cards in it, "I'll just, uh, go–"

He thinks of Frank's sentence; 'It'll be fun, Gee,' and drops his cards as he's pulled forward right into Tall Guy Number One's chest, who slides a hand down Gerard's back and pinches his butt.

Gerard dies inside.

"Holy fuck dude, you have some rare shit," Tall Guy Number Three says, and Tall Guy Number Two stretches out his legs and pats his lap. One lets go of Gerard and sits on Two's lap, and Gerard instantly dives on his cards, getting them away from Three and holding them protectively to his chest.

"Dude, I'm not going to damage them." Three holds his hands up, "But you collect right?" Gerard nods, he's been collecting since '98. "I have a first edition Charizard," Gerard salivates, "and I wanted to give it to someone because I no longer collect, but none of my shitty friends collect Pokemon cards so," Three opens his suitcase, good idea bringing it with him, someone might've broken into his house to get it, and Gerard drools a little when he sees it's still unopened, "Here."

Three just gave him a mint condition first edition Charizard and holy fuck, holy motherfucking fuck.

"I'm Travis, and that," he points at One, "Is William, and behind him is Gabe," Three–Travie says, and Gerard dies a little, but croaks a small sound.

Gerard coughs to clear his throat and says, "I'm Gerard."

William and Gabe clap and Travis takes Gerard's Pokemon cards and sits them on the table. He pats the space next to him and says, "So why did you come in here anyway?" 

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