from a twoleg into a warrior

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prologue(I do not own the warriors)


clan leader: owlstar a black she cat with a white ear

deputy:cherrypelt a red she cat.

medicine cat:snowstorm a white tom

warriors: Patcheye a white she cat with a black patch on her eye,

Appletail a ginger tom, Raincloud a blue and sliver tom(aprentice: dashpaw),

Foxtail a ginger and white tom,

Hollystorm a black cat with green eyes(apprentice:lightningpaw),mouseclaw and dark brown she cat,silverfrost a sliver she cat(aprentice:brightpaw),bearclaw a light brown tom with brown stripes and a torn ear(aprentice:rosepaw)Bluebird a blueish grey she cat with a white right paw(apprentice:tigerpaw),wolfsong a light gray Tom with a white chest,paws,and tip of tail.

apprentices: rosepaw a red she cat,lightning paw a white tom,dashpaw a red and white she cat,tigerpaw a orange tom  with a torn ear and a black paw,

queens:lilyear a ginger and white she cat(kits:leafkit a brown and cream kit with green eyes,skykit a blue kit), Rockfur a chocolate colored she cat(kits:cloverkit a tortoiseshell she cat)Daisyleaf a tortioushell she cat with amber eyes kits:hawkkit a brown tabby with a white chest,thornkit a grey tabby with a white chest,and tinykit a yellowish tom with brown paws.

elders: sharpeye a now blind gray tom,mintsong a sliver tabby she cat.



It was a cold snowy night in my house.I was drinking a nice cup of coco next to the fire while reading the warriors.NOOOOOOOO!! I screamed as I got to the last chapter of the last hope.Why did spottedleafs spirit have to die? I got up and put down my book to go outside.

When I looked outside I saw the moon it was so big and bright.I thought silently "I wish I could be a warrior." Holly went inside and fell asleep filled with wonderfull dreams of cats.

Eight hours later holly woke up to find that her room had grown.I looked down to find I had paws and not hands.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed, "I'm a cat what am I gonna do!!"

Suddenly I heard a knock at my door.Holly? my mom said, "did you sneak a cat into your room?"

No! I said but then I remembered that my parents couldn't understand me.So I sprinted into my closet and hid into a box hoping no one will look inside.

Holly?! Mom started to get louder "get up NOW!!"Then she opened the door to find that I was missing.Now mom was starting to get nervous she called my name but no one ansered.I felt bad for my mom and I wished I could tell her what happened but I couldn't so I jumped out the box and my bedroom window.

from a twoleg into a warriorWhere stories live. Discover now