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This is based on the chimera "incident" hinted on a few times in Carry On. Except its a few years later. I don't know exactly what year so its up to your imagination.


I snarl, making a sarcastic remark as Snow wanders out of the bathroom. I feel a sharp pang of hatred. Although I know, deep down, that it is coating the crush I have had on him for years now. I have a plan to destroy him. No, not destroy him... Hurt him. Argh, I couldn't let that happen. I will scare the crap out of him, giving me something to tease him about for the next years at Watford. I wait for him to climb into his bed then I grab my clothes wander into our bathroom. I get changed and sigh again. Father will respect me more if I get rid of that annoying, obnoxious, beautiful idiot. I yawn and wander out of the bathroom towards my bed. I glance over at Simon and see him sleeping curled up like a little, golden kitten. I climb into bed and watch him as his shape rises and falls gently. I smile gently. 'No Baz, stop' I think 'you can't be doing this; you need to sleep to get rest so you can get rid of this bumbling idiot.' I turn over and close my eyes. After an hour I finally fall asleep.

Snow is sitting in front of me in all his beauty. I smile at him and he leans forward, kissing me lightly on the nose. When he draws back he looks at me and his face falls in horror. I look down at my hands and I am holding a knife. He looks at me in horror.

"Baz, you love me. You won't do this to me, will you?" He says quietly. I don't say anything but tighten my grip on the knife. Then I lean forward and lunge it into his heart. He sinks to the ground and groans in pain, shuddering, then takes one last breath and dies. I laugh in an extremely amused way. Grinning as his body crumbles into the ground.

I gasp and sit bolt upright, breathing heavily. I lie back down only a dream, I think, only a dream' I lie back down and try to fall back to sleep, but I can't. I sigh and grab a book, The Maze Runner, from my bedside table and open to the page I was up to. (A/N The maze runner does not belong to me. Credit to James Dashner)

I write the note after Simon leaves the room, then I sign it, duplicating Wellbelove's signature. Then I leave it on his bed and go down to breakfast.


"Agatha... You... I... Um... What?" I stammer

"I said I don't think you deserve me" She answers slowly "it's just that... You're the chosen one and I'm... I'm just and average girl. There's nothing special about me, Nothing special at all,"

"Agatha, that's not true! I deserve you like scones deserve butter. Don't you ever believe otherwise!"

"No, Simon, it's just that... I don't think I love you. I like you well enough, but I don't think I can do this," She says looking down at the waffle on her plate.

"But..." I feel a lump in my throat and my eyes are stinging. "Agatha... I... I think your right. You deserve someone better than me." I stutter, choking on the last words. Then I run out of the room.


I'm wandering toward the dinner hall when someone crashes into me. I look at the boy as he stumbles away and I brush off my clothes in disgust. Snow.


I fling myself onto my bed and my body racks with sobs. Agatha broke up with me... She broke up with me. The idea seems extremely absurd. I cry into the pillow for a while longer then, I lift my head up to see the time and I feel something stuck to My face. I lift my hand to my cheek and remove the piece of paper stuck there. I look down but my vision is blurry and I can't read the writing. I blink a few times and rub my eyes, and then I look down again.

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