Doctor Who Day

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A/N I'm writing this for Doctor Who day (23 November) Happy 53 birthday DW! Sorry, I am posting this a little late (its December. After Christmas.) But it was posted on the 23rd on my account (Check that out! I am arim0 and most of my stories are published slightly earlier. I'm lazy.) Anyway, enjoy!

Baz reached for his boyfriend's hand and grinned when they're fingers intertwined.

"Wanna head back and watch some Doctor Who?" Simon smiled, "Its getting a bit too cold for my liking. We can order Pizza if you like."

"Sure, Snow."

"It's Simon, you know that."

"Well, I'm sorry."

"'s fine, what do you want to watch?"

"Doctor Who."

"No, which episode?" Simon laughed,

"I know. Um, something sad?"

"Nah, let's just binge,"

"So from the start?"

"Yup," Simon said and led his lover back to their apartment.

As usual their binge watching ended in masses of kisses after about seven episodes. They had just finished Father's Day when the love fest began. They lay on the couch tangled in a mess of limbs and kisses and love.

"Hey, Baz?" Simon said,

"Yes, Simon."

"This was the best Doctor Who day ever, thanks for everything; the doctor who museum, the binge watching, the TARDIS cake. Everything," Simon leaned in and kissed his boyfriend.

A/N Like it? Sorry it's so short, I just really wanted to write something for DW day. Remember, you will always be someone's TARDIS. Or Rose. Or River. or something. (Holy TARDIS of gallifrey I am horrible at making people happy.) Hope you enjoyed the fic! Remeber to Vote and Comment!

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