How She Found Out

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A/N this is a possible way I think Agatha could find out about SnowBaz. I don't know how this will go but...

"Hey Simon," Baz called from his spot on the couch.

"Baz I can't now, I'm making scones. Come here if you want me." Simon's voice shouts from the kitchen.

"Ugh, fine." Baz got up and walked out of the lounge room.

"What is it, love?" Simon smiled. Baz leaned in and kissed a smudge of cherry juice off Simon's cheek. "Want to ask Penny if she wants to come for dinner?"

"Agatha's staying at her place though..."

"She could come to," Baz grinned

"Ok," Simon smiled "You call her; my hands are covered in dough." He waved them around, getting white scone mixture all over the kitchen. A little dollop flew onto Baz's nose and Simon kissed it off.

"I'm going to get these in the oven," He said indicating to the blobs of dough on the tray.

"Ok, I'll call Pen." Baz said, pulling his phone from his pocket and walking from the room. He dialled Penny's number and held it to his ear. It rang twice before she picked up.

"Baz?" Penny's voice sounded different through the speaker.

"Yes, Hi penny." Baz said "Simon and I were wondering if you and Agatha would like to come for dinner. Simons just made more scones and he needs some people to help eat them."

"I think he's able to eat them all himself," Penny laughed "I'll ask Agatha." Baz heard her talking someone to someone else in the room. "She says she'd love to! What time do you want us to come?"

"Six thirty ok for you?"

"Yeah, I'll see you guys then. Oh and do you need me to bring something?"

"Nah, we'll cook."

"Uh huh sure you'll cook. I'll bring some snacks ok? Ok bye."

"Bye." Baz pressed the red button and the phone beeped.

"What'd she say?" Simon shouted from the kitchen

"She's coming," Baz sighed

"Yay!" Simon started bouncing around the kitchen like a child. Baz stared lovingly at his boyfriend and grabbed his arm.

"Calm down Snow, you aren't three."

"My name is Simon." Simon laughed, pulling Baz into a kiss. Baz pushed Simon until the blonde's back was pressed against the kitchen bench and they stayed like that for a while, until Baz pulled away saying, "Come one Simon, Penny was right. We're never going to get any cooking done." Simon laughed,

"Let's make some food!" Then he paused, looking at Baz "Uh... Sorry... I may have gotten some scone mix on your jumper..." Baz sighed.

"I'll go put another one on then, shall I?" he wandered to his bedroom to find something clean. Simon laughed at the smeared dough on his boyfriends back then pulled a cookbook off the shelf. He flicked to the section called 'Meals' and leafed through. When Baz came back in he looked at his lover and grinned. He pulled his wand out of his jumper sleeve and cast Tell me what you want, what you really, really want. The book flew out of Simons hand and flicked to a page showing roast potatoes and caramelised carrots with mushroom gravy.

"We do need to remember Agatha is vegetarian so no meats, ok?" Simon said

"Its ok, its all vegetables," Baz laughed. "She'll be fine." He wandered to the pantry and grabbed some ingredients. Simon preheated the oven and they began to cook dinner.

Simon heard a car door slam and ran to the door to let in his guests.

"Hi!" He shouted and Penny smiled fondly. Simon ran over and gave Agatha and Penny a hug.

"Welcome to our humble abode." Simon said gravely then giggled.

"Hello." Penny said

"Hi Penny, Agatha," Baz grinned.

"Hello Baz, Hi Simon," Agatha smiled. "So you two are sharing a house?"

"Yeah, it's great!" Simon laughed, "Come in, we're just finishing making dinner."

"We brought you guys some snacks." Penny grinned, handing Baz some biscuits and cheese.

"Thanks." Baz smiled and ushered them all inside. They chatted for a while then Baz and Simon went to get dinner. They all sat around the table and ate the food Baz and Simon had prepared; Potatoes swimming in gravy and carrots absolutely covered in butter and caramel. There was Guacamole and corn chips in the middle of the table and lemonade with slices of lemon and ice cubes. They ate, happily chatting about their time at Watford and their present jobs. After dinner Simon and Baz went to the kitchen to do get dessert ready. They put the scones in the microwave and waited. Simon's tail flicked impatiently and Baz caught it, pulling Simon over to him. Simon laughed and leaned in, kissing Baz's nose. But Baz wouldn't let him stop there. He pulled Simon closer and kissed his lips.

The microwave had beeped about three minutes ago and Baz and Simon still hadn't come in.

"I'll go check if they're coming." Penny sighed.

"No, its ok Pen, I'll go." Said Agatha and she got up and wandered over to the kitchen door. She opened it and walked in. Then she stopped. Baz and Simon were making out next to the fridge and were showing no sign of stopping. Agatha coughed and they looked up. Simon blushed and Baz looked at Agatha.

"Uh..." she murmured

"What? You've never seen kissing before?" Baz laughed, gaining his composure.

"I've seen kissing... but not... you two..." She stuttered.

"Wait, didn't Penny tell you?" Simon said

"Tell me what?"

"Oh... well this is awkward..." Simon laughed "Uh we're... together." Agatha gaped.

"Ok, dessert." Baz grinned, and pulled the scones from the microwave.

A/N: That was better than I anticipated. Please give me some suggestions and I'll dedicate the story to you if I use it. Please check out my other Carry On fanfic called thunderstorms. And enjoy your life!

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