Can't live without you

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A/N GUYS IM SO SORRY! I felt like writing a sad fan fiction today. If you don't like sad stories skip this. I won't mind. Well I will but you can if you like.

Baz's POV

Simon stepped onto the road just as the 4wd drove past. There was a thud as he collided with the front of the vehicle and was thrown over the hood of the car. He landed behind and the car screeched to a stop.

"Simon!" I shout running forward to the body lying in the middle of the road. I drag him to the side and he groans quietly. He's alive; for now at least. I check his pulse and feel a light beating. He's breathing is haggard and his lip is bleeding. His leg is bent at a weird angle and I can tell he has worse injuries I can't see. There's pain on his face and his eyes are closed.

"Simon..." I sob.

"Baz..." He croaks,

"Simon don't go,"

"I... I can't help it. Baz I'm... I'm sorry," There are tears running down his face. "Goodbye Baz,"

"NO!" I shout "I can't live without you,"

"Then bite me."


"Bite me. Prove to me vampires live forever,"

"Simon... I can't,"

"Yes you can. I've watched you bite animals, they looked so happy."

"You watched me?"

"Bite me Baz," Simon whispered as his eyes rolled back in his head.

"No! Simon? Simon!" I sink to the ground, burying my face in his neck. I smell blood and feel his weak pulse, knowing it would stop if I didn't do anything soon.

"I'm sorry love." I murmur and kiss his temple. I sink my teeth into the vain in his neck and drink the blood from his body. When there's no more I drop on top of him, shaking. When I hear a cough I look up and see a man standing over me.

"GO AWAY!" I shout at the driver, "GO, JUst go..." I trail off and sink down again, sobbing violently. "Simon, Simon, Simon..." I whisper his name over and over. I hear the man walking away slowly and pulling out his phone. He dials three numbers and holds it to his ear.

"Hello?... Yes, Emergency... I need to talk to the hospital as soon as possible... Ok thank you..." He pauses for a minute "hello?... I hit a guy with my car, oh my God I think he's dead... Oh my God... Yes there's someone else here... Maybe his boyfriend, I think... no...Ok thanks... Ok bye." He hangs up and sinks to the ground with his head in his hands. I look away and stare at Simons face. He looks so peaceful in death. I sob into his shirt and dry heave.

I hear an ambulance siren in the distance and know we won't have much more time.

"Goodbye Simon." I say and plant a kiss on his forehead. I stand up and stare into the void. I stay like that for a minute until I hear breathing behind me. I spin around to shout at whoever it is, to tell them to leave Simon alone. Then I stop, seeing whose standing there.

"Baz," Penny says. I run forward and hug her, sobbing into her neck.

"Hey..." I can tell she wants to say it all ok, but she knows it's not. She's crying too and she has removed her glasses. One of the paramedics asks if we would like to say a last goodbye to Simon before they take him. We walk over and I hug my soulmate. Penny kisses his cheek gently and rubs his hand.

"He's so cold," she says to me. I decide not to reply and kiss Simons cold mouth one more time.

"Goodbye will never be enough Simon, but that all I have to say. You were never good with words but your lips stopped me from dying. I want to thank you for that, and I wish I could do the same for you," I pause "I can't think of anything to say, except that, Simon, I love you and no one else will ever make me happy." I can't say anything else, I'm crying so hard, my tears are blurring my vision. I watch as penny says her goodbye and the paramedics close the ambulance doors. As they drive off I turn my back and run toward the forest.

I sit in the middle of the woods, surrounded by trees, tears blinding my eyes. I can live for eternity without Simon, or I can die. I stand up and cast light a match, the tree in front of me flickers and goes out. I try again, this time a whole tree goes up in flames. I watch, mesmerised as the flames lick at the leaves, burning them up and causing them to fall to the ground. I watch as the fire slowly spreads around me. One of the smaller trees falls to the ground and I think of Simon. I sink to the ground and close my eyes. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up, expecting too see Penny there, about to tell me to stop. But instead a see a familiar figure, blue eyes, blonde hair.

"Simon..." I whisper as his lips meet mine.

A/N forgive me please, I know I killed Simon, I know I made him a vampire (If you didn't get that, it's how he came back.). I felt like writing something sad. If you need to feel happier about this; remember they will live together forever. Tell me, do you think Baz will live forever? I don't really think he will but I had to use that concept for the story.

Oh and if this related to you in any way, I'm sorry please don't stop reading my fanfiction just because of this story, I just didn't want to just write happy fan fiction; Life doesn't work like that.

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