The baseball bat

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When she told me about that bat , it sent shivers down my spine. I came face to face with her hopeless body and the bat that took her life away . Who could of done this ? Who knows? Luke , Ellie , seren , could be anyone . I have to find out who he or she is .... First when the others were downstairs I snuck into Chloe's room and started searching ... I looked in her bedside drawer and I found a note but before I could read it I heard footsteps coming from outside . I ran to her closet to hide.Trey walked in , I was starring through the gap in the middle breathing ,slowly . I saw him reach for the drawer where I was looking and grabbed the note , he looked side to side and took it and walked out . Why did he take that note ? Was that that the answer to the murders ? I have to follow him .. I opened the door to find myself starring at the blood stained carpet I looked away and shot out the door. I saw trey walk into the library . I followed . I snuck in through the door and was looking through the shelf to see what he was doing at the table . He said to himself ' thank god no one found you , they would of found out everything. '
When trey said that it made me wonder is he the murderer or is he covering up for someone ?? I ran to the door . The door screamed open I heard a voice , who's there? It was trey he heard me , run .
I bolted out the door and ran to my room but before I could close it I heard a voice shout my name " SARAH!!!" I slammed my door shut and locked it. he saw me will he come for me next , who knows ?

Chapter 5 coming soon

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