When it strikes

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After hearing trey he sounded really mad . He also wanted revenge . But I need to sat ya way from him what's happens in if he is the killer?!it was just coming up to our 4 month celebration party for the what so called survivors. We were all down stairs and the family of those who didn't make it was here . I felt so sorry for them . I went over to lukes parents and we had a chat . They seemed very nice the biter pronounced that the party was over but then the lights went out ... All the hall was pitch black then after that came a scream , then a gunshot . The lights turned back on everyone went calm again until the butler looked down and saw seren was dead 😭 seren was me partner in this mansion. " WHO DID THISSSSS!!!!!!!" I shouted no reply . " I swear  whoever did this will pay !!!!!" I ran up the he stairs crying . Whoever did this needed to pay . I bet it was trey. No trey and seren got along it cannot be . She was so innocent and lovely . I will find out who did this I decided to go to bed only 4 of us left now
Whoever is the killer better watch on from now on I am going to be looked out . Eyes at the back of my head . Watching everyone's moves 😑 I was so determined to find out who it was !! I had a funny feeling it was trey or Thomas they are all so suspicious 😑 after them laughing at lukes death I can't stand them they are evil !! And now seren what am I going to do !!!!! I decided to go see Ellie to see if she was alright . I came to her door and walked in . You ok Ellie . " yea it's just I'm scared they killed seren " when she said they it made me wonder did she know who killed seren , was she a witness to her death and was bribed not to say anything . I will ask her . " um ... Ellie do you know who killed seren "

"" ummm ............"

Next chapter coming soon thanks for you guys texted me some great ideas it was so hard to choose which one !!!!!!

Sorry for any spelling errors or mistakes

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