I got tagged yayyyy

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I got tagged by: CursedSparrow to do 20 confessions.... Here I go!

1. I love reading graphic novels

2. I think villains are more interesting than heroes(usually)

3. I have blue eyes

4. I am a Hufflepuff

5. It's 10:16 pm right now

6. I memorized a rap from fifth grade about explorers(here is one verse):

Another Spaniard was Pizzaro
His love of gold was quite bizzaro
Conquered the Inca in Peru
With just 200 in his crew

9. I like to zone out in class and play theme songs in my head

42. I pretty much live in the computer room at my house...

69. I don't know what to be for Halloween! Please help me!

50. I'm in the second highest math class(I'm glad I'm not it the hardest class, they carry a book that's heavier than my backpack.)

666. I AM THE DEVIL. jk, but I have very evil ideas sometimes. Ex. I'm walking down the hall and suddenly, I could totally just light the building on fire right now...

Don't worry about me, I don't do those things though

0. I'm tired.

2.43 I pretty much gave up on numbering these a while ago.

3.14. PIE. Right now I'm wearing a Hogwarts shirt

13. Me and one of my friends(let's call her Hester.) well we talk about disturbing things, and then start talking about security cameras. Bold is me, italics is Hester. Ex. Don't you really want to touch an eyeball?
YES! I could gorge it out with my claws!!!
YES. Wait... Is the security camera listening to us again?
Is there even a camera, or are we just mental...

Eighty-nine. I am afraid of spiders

67. I have a dog who is really determined to steal all food in sight.(no joke)

1000000. I am older than 1 year old

499. I'm shy, and quiet in school

01134. I stole a box of Wheathins from my mom, and ate them all.

I tag:
Idk who else, and the people above don't have to do it either... So anyone can do it.

Demented DrawingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz