How to eat a porcupine

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I got tagged twice by Kiptops so here I go!

 I got tagged twice by Kiptops  so here I go!

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1. Yep...
2. Elizabeth
3. Idk somewhere around 5 ft.
4. 7 womens(I think)
5. Blue
6. Probably when I looked at the sun for too long or something like that.
7. Spiders...bleekkk
8. Something on youtube(I forget)
9. It was a group message between SecretAllwingShadow and MidnightSorceress7
10. What does this mean?? Single?

Next one:
[the picture is being dumb. Can someone please remind me to post it tommorrow?]
3. Hot cocoa
4. Well... I daydream everyday and have terrifying nightmares every so often... But daydreams are more pleasant so...
5. Fall!
6. Walk
7. I like both...
8. Depends, but usually books
9. Cold weather!!!
11. I hate light, but I get paranoid in the dark. I prefer shade.
12. Read... Maybe.... I like both.

Tag yourself.

Also I am too tired to draw right now so I won't have a Inktober for today.

Also I am too tired to draw right now so I won't have a Inktober for today

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Nvm it worked

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