Atention much? Jeffmads (part one)

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Madison's P.O.V
I was curled up on the couch, lights on and book in my hand.
As a birthday gift Jefferson had given The Girl On The Train, which if had payed any attention too was about a severe alcoholic, which I found funny since it was him who had gifted me the book, but I decide to keep that information to myself.

The past few nights Jefferson would stumble through the door drunk, rambling off about how much he despises Hamilton. So when he came in sober I was surprised.

He walked through the door, I looked up from my book. He was smiling, a little bit to much.

"Did Hamilton finally keel over?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ha! I wish" he said putting his coat on the back of the door, he walked over to the fridge looked through, but didn't find what he wanted.

I went back to reading my book, he had said something but I wasn't really paying attention.

"Maddy do you know where that wine laf gave us is, the red, the imported from France" this time I heard him god I hated it when he called me "Maddy".

I didn't look up "I thought you said you were saving it for a special occasion" I said sarcastically.

He was slightly annoyed "we do have a reason to celebrate"


"Yes we"

"And what would that be?"

"Hamilton and the others are gone" he paused "for a whole week!"

He went on talking but I was too interested in my book to listen, if he just left me alone I may be able to finish it today. Every few minutes I would say "oh" or "cool" something like that so he would think I was listening, but after a while he noticed I hadn't been paying attention to him.

"Are you even listening to me" which almost sounded like a whine.

"Are you whining?" I said still not looking up at him.

"James!" I finally looked up

His eyes narrowed hands crossed, strands of his large poofy hair hung in his face, to admit he looked quite attractive when he was upset.

But his annoyance soon turned into a devilish grin.


This can't be good.

He looked liked a lion praying on a unaware zebra.

He made his way over to me, he watched my every move.

I sighed and went to read my book again.

Look away.

If I ignore him he will stop.

If I can't see him he can't see me.

With in a few seconds my book was yanked out of my hands

"J-Jefferson what are you doing!"  I scolded.

He stared down at me his hazels eyes looking at me with a look I had seen a few times, a look that never ended well. God this man could be very intimidating.

He pushed the few stands of hair that was hanging I his face back.

He bent over his mouth brushed against my ear  "ya know what today marks" his tone made shivers run down my spine. I couldn't speak, why did he have this much power over me.

"Two months" his teeth grassed against my ear, I sunk deeper into the couch, and he followed.
    "Two months since you gave in, two months ago I found. Out you had a whole different side, wild perhaps" he knew how to get me, he knew the words that would make my skin crawl, sometimes sober Thomas was worse than drunk Thomas.

By now He was almost on top of me, he placed one knee by my left thigh and one by my right.

    He squirmed under him, "J-Jefferson" God I sounded weak

"Oh come on maddy you know you want this, it's not like it hasn't happened before" we had done this before a few time actually but he had this way of making me feel so embarrassed, so weak, I knew he loved when I was like this under his control.

The only was I could save this.

Take control.

Just take control.

Not that hard.

Ya right.

"Thomas" I said in a hushed tone, "get up".

Jefferson's P.O.V
     "Thomas" he voice went dark "get up"

"Aww you're no f-" his hands grasped on to my thighs, he used his middle finger nail to dig in to my thigh.

I winced.

That look in his eyes.

It was different.

Lust maybe?

I slid off him.

He didn't say anything, he stood up and walked towards my bedroom, I sat staring at him from the couch.

A minute passed.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

He never called me.

Four minutes.

I was getting nervous, but then I heard the sound of water, rushing water, shower water.

What is he doing?

My curiosity got the best of me, I got up off the couch for some reason I felt hesitate, but I kept going. There was something different about Madison, I had only seen this dominate side of him once, the night I got him drunk which to this day still surprises me on how on got him to do it.

I walked into my room, Madison's shirt was strung over the bed side as I kept walking his pants  close to the door, than his boxers.

I opened the bathroom door, the shower and we running but I didn't s-

The next thing I knew the bathroom door slammed behind me and I was pushed against it.

909 words!
   Part 2 should come out in the next day or two...
    Why can't I write smut XD!
If you couldn't tell what the next part of this chapter will contain lol!

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