Feelings (JeffMads)

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Jefferson's P.O.V

     Maddison had been sick this past week. It sucked going to classes without him, dealing with Hamilton alone. in the beginning, taking care of him was not something I liked to do, but recently it hasn't bothered me.

   I looked at my phone, 8;30. 15 minutes until class started, I should probably see If Maddison is feeling any better.

     I stumble my way out of bed and changed out of my pajamas into a red t shirt and pair of black pants. I walked out of my bedroom "Maddison? have you seen my coat?" Maddison was peacefully asleep on the couch a box of tissues on the table and a blanket on the floor.  Guess I'm going to classes alone today. I walked over to the couch and picked up the blanket wrapping Maddison up, there he will be warm.

   I sat down by his feet and put on my shoes, "Maddison, call me crazy but I think" wait what am I saying I cant tell him now... wait.... he's sleeping.

    "Maddison I think I'm In love with you, you will never believe me, but I have just recently noticed them, lately I have been acting different something you may not have noticed but its just around you, when I am around you my stomach feels wired, I want to tell you but I'm a coward, your the only one who has made me feel this way you make me happy, we have been friends for over two years now and I don't want to ruin it... that's why I cant tell you, that's way I put up the act maybe that's why I am so insecure about making friends, I can never tell you this awake. Mabey one day i will suck it up and tell you, but until then"

   I stood up and stared at him he was hugging a pillow close to his chest, Maddison why cant you be mine....I placed a quick kiss on his forehead and walked out the door.

Madison's P.O.V

   "Madison I think I'm in love with you" wait what  Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson in love with me.......I have to be dreaming. he went on  "you will never believe me, but I have just recently noticed them, lately I have been acting different something you may not have noticed but its just around you, when I am around you my stomach feels wired, I want to tell you but I'm a coward, your the only one who has made me feel this way you make me happy, we have been friends for over two years now and I don't want to ruin it... that's why I cant tell you, that's way I put up the act maybe that's why I am so insecure about making friends, I can never tell you this awake. Mabey one day I will suck it up and tell you, but until then" he stood up and stood there for a while and then he  kissed me on the forehead i waited till I heard the door shut. 

I sat up. I wasn't asleep it wasn't a dream it was real Thomas kissed me, I never would have thought hat Thomas would like me.....I liked Thomas I have for a while now...actually for over a year. I thought I was stupid for liking him but clearly he feels the same. Mabey I can finally tell him how I feel maybe just maybe we can be happy.  

(580 words)

A/N: TRASH.....im sorry this idea came to me in a dream...it sounded better in my mind...I thought about continuing this but I'm not sure.............TRASH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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