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Jordan awoke the next morning smiling to herself. She had a dreem about meeting Ezra properly. Ezra woke up nervous. He had a feeling he was gonna mess this up.
Jordan texted Ezra
Any chance we could meet up earlier
I'll be at yours in twenty
Sounds good.
Jordan quickly showered and did her dark hair in a ponytail. She put in some ripped skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Ezra wore khaki shorts and a plain black t-shirt. His blonde curls were slightly hidden under a hat.
He arrived at her house feeling extremely nervous. Jordan opened the door and immediately Ingulfed him in a hug. He hugged her back. They went upstairs to her room. Evan had brang food in his bag. He pulled out the cookies and made sure Jordan had at least one. He found her pills and made sure she had all of hers for the morning. They talked for hours about what happened in their lives and how they would meet up and hangout at school. Ezra realised it was getting late. Jordan lead him downstairs. But stopped him opening the door. She looked into his eyes for a moment then down to hi soft plump pink lips "I love you" she mumbled softly kissing him. He kissed her back "I love you too" he said as they pulled apart. He left and Jordan sat in her room, his familiar scent left behind. She grabbed out her phone
Goodnight Ezra
Goodnight Jordan
Isn't it funny how two lost souls meet eachother and those two broken , lost souls can be put together to create one perfectly happy, loving soul.

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