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Hey guys it's the person who decided to write this piece of shit. I'm sorry at how shit this is. I'm not deleting it yet though. I'm gonna keep it up bc I can. Okay so the main reason I wrote this was because I had writers block on the books I was writing. Okay so I know this book made no sense. I'm maybe gonna edit it. I'm sorry about the ending. Any questions about the book or characters just ask. This note will probably be longer than half the chapters tbh. I'm sorry about this. I hope it wasn't a trigger. A part of it relates to me so this is a very touchy subject but fuck it this shit can stay up. If you don't like, don't read it. I may make more short stories like this when I get writers block. I just get all these ideas and I really want to start a new book but I don't want to put my others on hold so I will resort to writing short stories like this. Anyway thank you guys so fucking much.

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