Cherry's Dawn || Chapter 10

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July 27th, 1984 "Purple Rain" Film Premiere in Los Angeles, CA


Drained from taping "Soul Train" earlier that week, I'd woken up the next morning and the phone rang instantly. My agent had rushed through words and switched places my publicist Kelly not even five minutes later. She explained that I'd appear on the red carpet for a movie opening. My eyes scanned the crowd chop full and big names or shouting fans behind barricades as well as paparazzi. I fought to roll my eyes and faked one smile after the other until an even more familiar face captured my attention.


All of that early morning commotion raced into my thoughts. I'd been summoned for this compensated but worthless entry. I never even collaborated on the film let alone worked as a cast member. At the same time, I knew better than to complain. As Reggie always said, any publicity had been good publicity.

I nearly yelped at the sight of Apollonia. A bright smile reached her face as we stood and beamed for the hot and flashing cameras. She even made a point to kiss my cheek and I posed accordingly to fit the moment.

We giggled like children while holding hands and smiling honestly. The cameras pushed on with flashes, but I tuned everything out. I'd usually avoid speaking to one of the "lady friends" in the name of my own jealousy. For a good but implied reason, neither one of us just couldn't find enough energy for hatred. I'd guessed she'd been just too kind around me.

"What are you doing here? Apollonia beamed another welcoming smile in my direction. Most of the cameras would only view one angle given our conversation right now. I hadn't seen her since Skip invited me to a session for the soundtrack itself. To be honest, Apollonia hardly squeaked during a record called "Take Me With You." At the same time, I preferred her singing over Vanity every now and then.

I finally answered her question. "Management said so. Said I should at least branch out somewhere besides a dance show or magazine interviews. I don't see the point, but hey. I'm getting paid no matter what. In all honesty though, I'm proud of..."

We slipped out of hand holding and nearly tripped over our own footsteps as Skip finally made his way on the red carpet. As if Apollonia never existed, Skip watched me and kept a dead but somehow focused expression in his eyes. Noise of the crowd heightened as soon as Skip marched toward me in his shimmering purple get-up.

I couldn't even look back to see Apollonia drop her jaw in reasonable shock. Prince sandwiched between the two of us, but never smiled as his massive bodyguard Big Chick and others watched carefully for obvious reasons. As an assumed member of his entourage, I flashed another smile with Apollonia and we both turned almost lovingly toward each side of him.

In same exact moment, I noticed Skip give me a close-lipped smile as the short curls dropped around my face. I'd burned up in this black and sleeveless pantsuit, knowing damn well not to upstage Vanity of all attendees with a sexier number. I faced the cameras with a hand on Skip shoulder and he whispered in my ear right alongside Apollonia. She'd made a point to remain respectful, but most in Prince's camp had already known "Monty's story" with him. As long as the media never suspected anything, we were honestly protected.

I almost blushed and gave us away as Skip chuckled while speaking in my ear. "I'll give Reggie a promotion for making visit me. See you inside."


Absolutely worth it. While the film had its "moments" with acting, I appreciated song the most out of everything included. Skip flashed an honest but reasonably worn-out smile for me in the parking lot and nearly toppled over while running to my rolled down back window. Straggling and dried curls glued onto his forehead.

"I'm glad you made it, mama." he said, chuckling again. I couldn't exactly why, but maybe my presence altogether just uplifted his mood. Skip never really enjoyed big occasions like this and I'd felt the same at times.

"Are you in town any longer." I asked, narrowing my eyes.

He shrugged. "Don't know, but I want to come over and see you tonight. If not that, I'll definitely call you." I blushed again and fought the urge to kiss him. The dead expression on his face returned after he looked over to see the noise around us.

"I know." I whispered, locking our fingers. "Get some sleep and just call me tonight. Don't overexert yourself, baby."

"I love you." he smiled, making my heart flutter once more. I would only kiss his cheek before rolling up the window again.



My brothers questioned everything about Brenda and I still couldn't give any answers, even if I wanted to. We still hadn't seen each other or even talked on the phone, but I tucked concerned thoughts away. If there was any indication that she and Prince were surely an item now, Silence toward me would prove to be even more helpful in understanding our current "relationship."

Yet, I found myself thinking of her on night on stage, again. Night after night. Crowd after crowd. Those brown eyes pierce my soul. Those dimples melted my heart whenever she smiled. In my mind, she would bear her secrets to me and no other man, bringing her head to my shoulder as we held hands, only breathing alongside one another.

Stevie crooned my feelings in the best way.

My Cherie amour.

Pretty little one that I adore.

You're the only girl my heart beats for.

How I wish that you mine... 

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