Cherry's Dawn || Chapter 16

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Author's Note: I've tweaked lyrics of "Irresistible" for a specific reason. [Winks] Enjoy!


September 1983 California


Every Friday night I call your ass up on the phone.

Peter Pan answers and he says you're not at home...

I helped myself to a fruit platter in the refrigerator and scribbled lyrics every so often. Monty had given me a key to her penthouse, even with no labels between us. Despite her lack of spoken feelings, something clicked inside her.

I smiled throughout this quiet process and waited for the elevator to chime open. That pretty face had been all I dreamed of right now. I tapped my pen singing along to this scribbled words until the phone rang. Without hesitation, I picked up.

"Hughes Residence?" I cleared my throat.

"Prince? What are you doing at Brenda's house? We've been through this already." Again, Michael called probing like a boyfriend. Not to seem vulgar, but I scored the cookie first. He'd wait for the rest of his damn life if this "gentleman" kept wearing Mickey Mouse sweaters. My baby longed a for a man, not some dreamer.

I shook my head and placed the small fruit platter on a cushion right next to me. "Michael, stop messing with me and go hang out with Brooke Shields. From what I've heard, she's dumb enough to look past your Disney obsession. Your interest is almost sickening."

"So is your interest in women!" he shouted into my ear.

Before I could retaliate, the elevator finally chimed open and I slammed down this phone. I blushed noticing Monty and pecked her cheek, hiding the clear annoyance I felt behind a smile. She plopped onto the couch and sighed, looking at me with only pure exhaustion. Had it not been for the interference of Michael swimming through my brain, I'd take care of Monty right now.

I laughed for the moment when she reached for the fruit platter. We exchanged smile and I picked out a strawberry. Just before I could taste anything, the phone shrilled again. Monty smiled once I made the choice to pick up this time.

"Hughes Residence?" I repeated just like before. Monty nibbled on a cantaloupe when I looked over. A smile reached my face watching her adorable self.

"Why did you hang up on me?" Michael asked.

I fought every urge to roll my eyes and complain out loud with Monty sitting in her own living room. She shot me a concerned look, but I scooted further away on the couch. I nodded to assure that I could handle this situation.

"Because we're fighting for no reason. She's mine, so back off." I defended. Monty squinted again, but I reached out to smooth her while she continued listening.

"You already know how I feel about your behavior, so I won't preach again, but this is ridiculous. You're wasting her time, Prince." Michael's voice slowed down with the anger, but I still couldn't believe this wimp.

"Shouldn't she make a choice about that?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. The phone's cord moved a little when placed the receiver near my shoulder and ear. I looked over see a frustrated expression on Monty's face and completely understood. Even when I pouted like a baby, she wouldn't smile back.

"Hang up again." she whispered. I slammed the phone down once more and sighed out loud. Her ceiling fan remained motionless above our heads.

"We might not have a title, but he doesn't know me the way you do, babe." She caressed my face with both hands before I could blink and our noses touched. We shared quiet laughter as soon as she noticed the dirty thoughts running through my mind at first. Her pearly whites found their spot against my own smile.

"You're so cute." I blushed honestly. Her lips pecked mine so softly, I couldn't even feel that gentle and familiar touch. "But I really do see your point. Probing like that isn't good because I'm sure Michael's not perfect."

"Amen." I joked with my falsetto just to make her laugh. Sure enough, that giggle pierced through the entire living room.

"It's nothing serious, but could I ask you something?" she smiled after the laughter calmed down. I scooted closer to give my undivided attention.

"Anything." I felt like children finally getting ice cream on a hot summer day. She blushed once more and butterflies swarmed my gut as always.

"I know I don't plan on working with you again anytime soon, but could we just have a jam session one day?" her head titled like a puppy and I found myself lost in her sweet kisses.

"With the band?" I said.

"Of course." I smiled, but rolled my eyes all at once. "You can even kiss Wendy on stage if desired. I've seen the way you look at her."

Monty pouted those lips my way. "What's that supposed to mean? You know I'm not gay."

I almost howled at this point. "You've gaped at her like she's a steak sometimes. Same goes for Vanity, mama. Just tell me you're bisexual and we'll drop it. Bonus points because Wendy's a lesbian anyway."

"I would've pursed if Lisa didn't set in her territory." Monty literally told on herself with a confession now. I sadly reinforced my own unfaithfulness and figured that you can in fact care about more than one person. Monty just reigned over everyone else with the truth of my actual love.

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