Cherry's Dawn || Chapter 12

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June 1987 Paris, France


I snuck under the radar to see him in concert and never even informed my team. Even my flights in and out of the country would hopefully remain a secret. As my own person, I'd sometimes wish for utter time away, even from Michael. Routines of work constant visits with him had grown quite stale after a while, but I never felt unappreciative.

Only family members knew of the Parisian escape right now. Despite Jazmine's pleas, I refused her a plane ticket in the name of a need for work hours. My nephew Anthony would always bunk with Ma nowadays considering Jazmine's limited finances at the moment. And no matter how many times Michael and I offered to give, my little sister always refused money.

My voice turned shot from screaming and cheering throughout the night among thousands. The chant of "Housequake" sounded through my ears over and over again, but I didn't even mind. My fingers snapped to the rhythm in my mind and I found myself mumbling lyrics.

Before long, the phone began to ring and a sneaky grin crept onto my face. The Eiffel Tower gleamed as usual outside my hotel window. A mix of the French and English languages mingled echoed loudly in the late night hour, still piquing my interest.

"Hey, you." I already picked up the phone in my bedroom.

"I can't believe you made it. Shelia's still talking about you." Skip perked up for once. "So what'd you think, mama?"

"You already know." I teased. "I'm still grooving."

He laughed quietly. "I'm glad. So, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" I answered back, scratching my curls now.

"Tired, but this is actually fun." Skip chuckled, but yawned at all once. I completely understood in light of his musical part just hours before.

I mumbled in agreement, but quickly noticed an awkward silence between us. I chewed my bottom nervously waiting for him to speak up. At the same, I questioned if actually wanted me to say anything at the moment.

"You got a man, don't you?" Skip questioned out of nowhere. "There had to be a reason why you've avoided me. Who is it?"

Damn. I thought to myself.

"You're right, but I'm not telling you who it is." I defended myself against him. "I don't ask about you're next sleeping partner since you clearly don't understand the idea of commitment."

"Tell me." his voice shrunk. "I won't get mad."

"Yes, you will. The answer's been under your nose this whole time." I mumbled.

"Andre? Morris? Jerome?" Skip rambled off the bat.

"Think outside your crew." I suggested, quickly rolling my eyes.

"Who the hell is it, Monty? I'm already exhausted from the show tonight."

"Michael." I revealed with the biggest smile on my face.

"What?! You can't be serious, mama. He's a wimp." Skip yelled on the other line, but I didn't even care. It was the truth whether he liked it or not. I looked over to see moonlight directly above the Eiffel Tower right now.

"Sorry, baby. He's mine now. Have fun with your next one-night stand." I laughed coldly through my words at the moment.

"No, no. I want you." Skip unexpectedly shuddered with tears. I remained in awkward silence once more. Even voices and joy outside my window became irrelevant. "I'm sorry for everything, mama." I rolled my eyes once more. He turned silent and continued listening to me. Bilingual voices outside my window settled quietly.

"No, you're not." I whispered. "Don't give me that excuse. I've found a man who loves me and no one else. Please don't call anymore. It's a miracle Michael's not with me right now because he'd tear you to shreds if he heard us."

"For you, I'll change." Skip acted as if his pleas would ever change my mind. "I'll do anything."

"Too late." I finally hung up.



In a picture, I smiled with Monty in my arms. She visited First Avenue for the first time and surprised me backstage. I'd never hugged someone so tightly before. In those trademark boots, she sprinted for my embrace. Laughter rumbled from everyone around us.

"You're adorable." I told her after Billy stepped out of my dressing room there. "No one's ever reacted to me like that before. Fans don't count and you know what I mean."

She chuckled against my lips. Only my own sweat and messy chest hair fell against her crop top. Silence made its home between us.

"What do you want to do?" she asked, bringing chills down my spine after hearing that voice. I'd locked hands with my only weakness and kissed her tiny knuckles.

"Whatever you want." I advised. "I'd give the world because I love you. Honestly." She wrapped both arms around my neck and pecked my salted lips. To say I melted in her arms would be an understatement and I never even wanted to leave this position.


I froze staring down at the picture and shook my head. This couldn't be real, but maybe this was her revenge for me acting a fool so much. All she ever wanted was a serious relationship. I'd been stupid enough not to really listen. I finally realized that she really wasn't like every other woman I'd met before.

Michael now scored in a game I could've won years ago.

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